GREENOVET-European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation

Furthermore, it will provide a platform to interconnect the European VET schools on regional, national and transnational level among them and with key partners in the local innovation and skills ecosystems.
This will be achieved through the establishment of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in 4 regions: Styria - Austria, Leiria – Portugal, Vaasa – Finland, and Skopje Region – North Macedonia. The CoVEs will focus the knowledge, resources and infrastructure of the key stakeholders into the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development. The CoVEs will foster environmental, social and economic development in Europe, through green and sustainable innovation processes enabled by VET excellence.
Within the scope of the project, the CoVEs will develop capacities through trainings and study visits.
More than 100 teachers will be trained to provide excellence in teaching of both vocational and key competences and more than 16 regional and 2 international projects with companies will be implemented. Thus, empowering VET graduates’ long-term employability in the changing future labour market landscape through the development of an innovative, entrepreneurial and sustainable mind-set.
Alongside the development of the CoVEs and their regional networks and the platform for intraregional and international cooperation, the assuring of the sustainability of the entities is one of the top priorities of the project. During and after the project implementation, continuous evaluation and monitoring of the CoVEs’ processes, services and instruments as well as their implementation will be conducted.
GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation
Kesto: 01-11-2020-31.10.2024
Projektin vastuuhenkilö: Ahm Shamsuzzoha
Tutkimusryhmät/alustat: NeVS/Digital Economy
Projektin muut tutkijat: Petri Helo, Jyri Naarmala
Yhteyshenkilö Vaasan yliopistossa: Ahm Shamsuzzoha
Rahoittaja: EU, Erasmus+
Ulkoinen rahoitus: € 3 505 595,00
Ulkoinen rahoitus (Vaasan yliopisto): € 255 434,00
Budjetti: € 4 382 004
Projektin koordinaattori: FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH- Graz
Projektikumppanit: FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbh, Itävalta, Technische Universität Graz, Itävalta, HTBLuVA Graz-Gösting, Itävalta, Vaasan yliopisto, Vaasan kaupunki, Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Instituto Politecnico de Leiria – Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugali, Pombal Prof – Sociedade de Educacao e Ensino Profissional, S.A., Portugali, Ss. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE, Pohjois-Makedonia, ASUC Boro Petrushevski, Pohjois-Makedonia,.
Novia, Vaasan kaupunki (Vamia), Merinova Oy, 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Green Tech Cluster Styria GmbH, Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Austria, NERLEI – Associacao Empresarial da Regiao de Leiria, Portugal, Zdruzenie Nacionalen center za razvoj na inovacii I pretpriemacko ucenje Skopje, North Macedonia, RADE KONCAR – TEP DOOEL Skopje, North Macedonia, Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, North Macedonia