Timo Rothovius
Professori, laskentatoimi ja rahoitus
Tervahovi D345
Keskiviikko 15-16, opetusperiodeilla

Major Current Public Positions:
Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Vaasa
Chairman of the Finnish Shareholders, Helsinki
Member of the ESMA IMS, Paris (ESMA = European Union financial regulatory and supervisiory authority)
Member of the board, FINE Securities Executive Committee, Helsinki
Member of the supervisory board, GSF, Nationwide (GSF = The Graduate School of Finance)
Teaching 2019-2020:
Managing Master's Thesis in Finance
Master's Thesis Group
Introduction to Finance
Publications in refereed journals 2019:
Investigating the Association between Oil VIX and Equity VIX: Evidence from China. DOI: 10.1142/9789811210242_0002. June 2020. With J. Nikikinen and A. Dutta.
Energy sector uncertainty decomposition: A new approach based on implied volatilities. Applied Energy 2019, 248, 141-148. With J. Nikkinen. (Impact Factor: 8.426, SJR: 3.455, JUFO: 3).
The EIA WPSR release, OVX and crude oil internet interest. Energy 2019, 166, 131-141. With J. Nikkinen. (Impact Factor: 5.537, SJR: 2.048, JUFO: 3, Chamber of Commerse Price of outstanding research).
Market specific seasonal trading behavior in NASDAQ OMX electricity options. Journal of Commodity Markets 2019, 13, 16-29. With J. Nikkinen.
Impact of the 2008-2009 financial crisis on the external and internal linkages of European frontier stock markets. Global Finance Journal, July 2019. With J. Nikkinen and V. Piljak.