Timo Rothovius


School of Accounting and Finance, Finance Group
+358 29 449 8430
Yliopistonranta 10, 65200 Vaasa
Fabriikki F635
Office Hours:
Wednesday 15-16, during teaching periods


Current Positions:

Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Vaasa

Member of the supervisory board, GSF (The Graduate School of Finance)

Head of the board, Finnish Shareholders, Helsinki

Member of the board, FINE, Securities Executive Committee, Helsinki

Member of the ESMA Investment Management Standing Committee Consultative Working Group, Paris


Teaching 2019-2020:

Managing Master's Thesis in Finance

Master's Thesis Group

Introduction to Finance



Publications in refereed journals 2019:

Energy sector uncertainty decomposition: A new approach based on implied volatilities. Applied Energy 2019, 248, 141-148. With J. Nikkinen. (Impact Factor: 7.888, JUFO-3).

The EIA WPSR release, OVX and crude oil internet interest. Energy 2019, 166, 131-141. With J. Nikkinen. (Impact Factor: 4.968, JUFO-3).

Market specific seasonal trading behavior in NASDAQ OMX electricity options. Journal of Commodity Markets 2019, 13, 16-29. With J. Nikkinen.

Impact of the 2008/2009 financial crisis on the external and internal linkages of European frontier stock markets. Forthcoming, Global Finance Journal 2019. With J. Nikkinen and V. Piljak.

Publications and expert tasks

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