Jussi Nikkinen
Professori, liiketaloustiede, erityisesti laskentatoimi
Poissa kevätlukukauden 2022.

KTT (Vaasan yliopisto)
Nykyiset tehtävät
Professori, Laskentatoimi ja rahoitus
Dosentti, Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto
Varttunut tutkija (Suomen Akatemia) 1.8.2010 - 31.7.2011
Ammatilliset kiinnostuksen kohteet ja erityisalueet
Rahoitusmarkkinat, arvonmääritys
Financial Derivatives and Risk Management
Research in Financial Markets
Introduction to Bachelor's Thesis
Introduction to Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis groups
Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce Best Article Award 2019
Åbo Akademi Best Article Award 2017
Best Paper Award, 2011 Global Finance Conference
Outstanding Paper Award, 2006 Southern Finance Association Meeting
Valittuja julkaisuja kansainvälisissä tiedelehdissä
Nikkinen, Jussi and Jarkko Peltomäki (2019). Crash fears and stock market effects: Evidence from web searches and printed news articles. Journal of Behavioral Finance, forthcoming.
Nikkinen, Jussi, Vanja Piljak and Timo Rothovius (2019). Impact of the 2008/2009 financial crisis on the external and internal linkages of European frontier stock markets. Global Finance Journal, forthcoming.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Timo Rothovius (2019). Energy sector uncertainty decomposition: A new approach based on implied volatilities. Applied Energy, forthcoming.
Graham, Michael, Jussi Nikkinen and Jarkko Peltomäki (2019). Web-based investor fear gauge and stock market volatility: an emerging market perspective. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, forthcoming.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Timo Rothovius (2019). Market specific seasonal trading behavior in NASDAQ OMX electricity options. Journal of Commodity Markets, 13, 16-29.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Timo Rothovius (2019). The EIA WPSR release, OVX and crude oil internet interest. Energy, 166, 131-141.
Dutta, Anupam, Jussi Nikkinen and Timo Rothovius (2017). Impact of oil price uncertainty on Middle East and African stock markets. Energy, 15, 189-197.
Klemola, Antti, Jussi Nikkinen and Jarkko Peltomäki (2016). Changes in investors' attention and near-term stock market returns. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 17, 18-30.
Kaurijoki, Miikka, Jussi Nikkinen and Janne Äijö (2015). Return-implied volatility dynamics of high and low yielding currencies. Journal of Futures Markets, 35, 1026-1041.
Kiviaho, Jarno, Jussi Nikkinen, Vanja Piljak and Timo Rothovius (2014). The co-movement dynamics of European frontier stock markets. European Financial Management, 20, 574-595.
Kotkatvuori-Örnberg, Juha, Jussi Nikkinen and Janne Äijö (2013). Stock market correlations during the financial crisis of 2008-2009: Evidence from 50 equity markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 28, 70–78.
Graham, Michael, Jarno Kiviaho and Jussi Nikkinen (2013). Short-term and long-term dependencies of the S&P 500 index and cointmmodity prices. Quantitative Finance, 13:4, 583-592.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Sami Vähämaa (2010). Terrorism and stock market sentiment. Financial Review, 45:2, 263-275.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Sami Vähämaa (2009). Central bank interventions and implied exchange rate correlations. Journal of Empirical Finance, 16:5, 862–873.
Nikkinen, Jussi, Mohammed Omran, Petri Sahlström and Janne Äijo (2008). Stock returns and volatility following the September 11 attacks: Evidence from 53 equity markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 17:1, 27-46.
Nikkinen, Jussi, Petri Sahlström and Janne Äijo (2007). Turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects: Explanation from the important macroeconomic news announcements. Journal of Futures Markets, 27:2, 105-126.
Kallunki, Juha-Pekka, Jussi Nikkinen, Petri Sahlström and Kristina Wichmann (2006). Should there exist secondary markets for executive stock options? Accounting and Finance, 46:2, 265-283.
Nikkinen, Jussi, Petri Sahlström and Sami Vähämaa (2006). Implied volatility linkages among major European currencies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 16:2, 87-103.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Petri Sahlström (2005). Risk in audit pricing: the role of firm-specific dimensions of risk. Advances in International Accounting, 18, 141-152.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Petri Sahlström (2004). Impact of an accounting environment on cash flow prediction. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 13:1, 39-52.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Petri Sahlström (2004). Does agency theory provide a general framework for audit pricing? International Journal of Auditing 8: November, 253-262.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Petri Sahlström (2004). Impact of the Federal Open Market Committee's meetings and scheduled macroeconomic news on stock market uncertainty. International Review of Financial Analysis, 13:1, 1-12.
Nikkinen, Jussi and Petri Sahlström (2004). Distributional properties and transformation of financial ratios: The impact of accounting environment. Advances in International Accounting, 17, 85-101.