Tatiana King

Vaasa Apulaisprofessori, laskentatoimi (tenure track)

Laskentatoimen ja rahoituksen yksikkö, Laskentatoimi
029 449 8377
Wolffintie 32, 65200 Vaasa
Tervahovi D340

Head of the Auditing and Control in Accounting Research Group, University of Vaasa, 2024 - now.


I joined the School of Accounting and Finance (University of Vaasa) as an Associate Professor in August, 2018. Before that I worked for 10 years full-time at Graduate School of Management (GSOM), St.Petersburg State University, the first business school from Russia ranked by Financial Times (EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB).

During that time I had an extensive administrative career at GSOM being the Director of Master in Management Programs (2010-2013) and the Academic Director for Executive MBA Programs (2015-2018). I had also a position of a member of CEMS Executive Board (2010-2013). Since 2015 I am a member of EFMD Programme Accreditation Peer Review Teams world-wide and in June, 2018 I was elected as a member of EFMD Programme Accreditation Board.

I took part in Executive education programmes at Harvard Business School (the USA, 2011, 2012), Amsterdam Institute of Finance (the Netherlands, 2016) and Ariel University (Israel, 2010).

My full CV can be seen here.


I teach on the EFMD Programme-accredited Master's Degree Programme in Finance. Over a 10-year teaching career I have taught courses related to International Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Company Valuation at undergraduate, graduate and Executive MBA level.

I am also a licensed facilitator of Decision Base Simulation from Celemi® (Sweden).

I have experience of being a visiting professor at School of Economics University of Turku and School of Business Lappeenranta University of Technology.


My research interests focus on intellectual capital evaluation, evaluation of company efficiency and profitability, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosure. I have published over 30 articles on these topics in leading Russian and international journals.

I am a member of the European Accounting Association and American Accounting Association.

My paper «Intellectual capital research: A critical examination of the third stage» with John Dumay (Macquarie University, Australia) got the Emerald Citations of Excellence Award in 2016.

I have received the Research Act of the Year 2021 award for our joint publication "Blockchain in accounting research: current trends and emerging topics" published in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (co-authored by Mikko Ranta and John Dumay).

Most recent journal publications
View all my publications on Google Scholar.


Chapters in Books

Hussinki H., Garanina T., Dumay J (2021) Intellectual capital research: European versus North American approaches (Dumay, J., Nielsen, C. and Lund, M., Eds), Chapter in Research Handbook on Intellectual Capital and Business. UK, Edward Elgar Publishing. Accepted, forthcoming.

Hussinki H., Garanina T., Dumay J., Steinhöfel E. (2020) Revisiting the intellectual capital research landscape – a systematic literature review, Chapter in Intellectual Capital in the Digital Economy (Ordonez de Pablos P., Edvinsson L., Eds). London, Routledge.

Kianto A., Garanina T., Andreeva T. (2017) Does intellectual capital matter for organizational performance in emerging markets? Evidence from Chinese and Russian contexts, Chapter in handbook of Intellectual Capital Research (Guthrie, J., Ricceri, F., Dumay, J. and Nielsen, C., Eds.). London, Routledge.

Selected Refereed Journal Articles

Garanina T. and Kim O. The relationship between CSR disclosure and accounting conservatism: The role of state ownership. The Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. Accepted. Forthcoming.

Garanina T., Ranta M., Dumay J. (2021) Blockchain in accounting research: current trends and emerging topics. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. Published online ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-10-2020-4991

Andreeva, T., Garanina, T., Saenz, J., Aramburu, N. and Kianto, A. (2021) Does country environment matter in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation performance? Journal of Business Research, Vol. 136, 263-273.

Aray, Y., Dikova, D., Garanina, T., Veselova, A. (2021) The hunt for international legitimacy: Examining the relationship between internationalization, state ownership, location and CSR reporting of Russian firrms. International Business Review, Vol. 30, Iss. 5, 101858.

Garanina T., Hussinki H., Dumay J. (2021) Accounting for intangibles and intellectual capital: A literature review from 2000 to 2020. Accounting and Finance. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1111/ac?.12751.

Garanina T., Aray Y. (2021) Enhancing CSR disclosure through foreign ownership, foreign board members, and cross-listing: does it work in Russian context? Emerging Markets Review. Vol. 46, 100754. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ememar.2020.100754

Garanina T., Muravyev A. (2020) The Gender Composition of Corporate Boards and Firm Performance: Evidence from Russia. Emerging Markets Review. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ememar.2020.100772

Garanina T., Dumay J. (2017) Forward-looking Intellectual Capital disclosure in IPOs: Implications for Intellectual Capital and Integrated Reporting. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 18, Iss 1, pp. 128 – 148.

Luukkaa P., Pätäria E., Fedorova E., Garanina T. (2017) The anatomy of returns from moving average trading rules in the Russian stock market. Applied Economics Letters. Vol. 24, Iss 5, pp. 311-318.

Berezinets I., Garanina T., Ilina Y. (2016) Intellectual capital of a board of directors and its elements: introduction to the concepts. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 17, Iss. 4, pp. 632-653.

Luukkaa P., Pätäria E., Fedorova E., Garanina T. (2016) Performance of Moving Average Trading Rules in a Volatile Stock Market: The Russian Evidence. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2016. Vol. 52, Iss. 10, pp. 2434-2450.

Andreeva T., Garanina T. (2016) Do all elements of intellectual capital matter for organizational performance? Evidence from Russian context? Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 17, Iss. 2, pp. 397 – 412.

Garanina T., Nikulin E., Frangulantc O. (2016) Earnings management and R&D costs capitalization: evidence from Russian and German markets. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Vol. 13, Iss. 1, pp. 77-85.

Garanina T., Kaikova E. (2016) Corporate governance mechanisms and agency costs: cross-country analysis. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society. Vol. 16, Iss. 2, pp. 347-360.

Garanina T., Petrova O. (2015) Liquidity, cash conversion cycle and financial performance: case of Russian companies. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Vol. 12, Iss.1, pp. 90-100.

Dumay J., Garanina T. (2013) Intellectual capital research: a critical examination of the third stage. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 14, Iss. 1, pp. 10–25.

Garanina T., Kormiltseva P. (2013) The Effect of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption on the Value Relevance of Financial Reporting: a Case of Russia. Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies. Vol. 13, pp. 27-60.

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