Jaana Rahko

Apulaisprofessori, taloustiede (tenure track)

Laskentatoimen ja rahoituksen yksikkö, Taloustiede
029 449 8505
Yliopistonranta 10, 65200 Vaasa
Fabriikki F324
sopimuksen mukaan (huone A322)

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Apulaisprofessori, tenure track (VEBIC)

Taloustieteen KTK-ohjelmavastaava



Energy Economics and Sustainable Development


kandidaatin ja gradu -tutkielmien ohjaus

Katso koulutusohjelmakuvaus


Tutkimukseni pääaloina ovat innovaatiotutkimus, T&K, patentit, energia- ja ympäristötalous.

Katso Taloustieteen tutkimusryhmä.

Tutustu tutkijaprofiiliini ResearchGatessa.

Viimeisimpiä julkaisuja

Rahko, Jaana, and Andrew Adewale Alola. "Examining green productivity amidst climate change technological development and spillovers in the Nordic economies." Journal of Cleaner Production 434 (2024): 140028. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140028

Alola, Andrew Adewale, and Jaana Rahko. "The effects of environmental innovations and international technology spillovers on industrial and energy sector emissions–Evidence from small open economies." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 198 (2024): 123024.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.123024

Rahko, Jaana. "The effects of environmental investments on the economic performance of industrial plants – Evidence from Finland." Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): 136142.

Rahko, Jaana. "The effects of environmental investments on the economic performance of industrial plants – Evidence from Finland." Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): 136142.

Kalmi, Panu, & Rahko, Jaana (2022). "The effects of game-based financial education: New survey evidence from lower-secondary school students in Finland." The Journal of Economic Education, 53(2), 109-125.

Rahko, Jaana (2021)."R&D internationalization and firm productivity. Does the host country matter?" Applied Economics, 53(16): 1807-1825.

Piekkola, Hannu, Jaana Rahko (2020). "Innovative growth: the role of market power and negative selection". Economics of innovation and new technology 29.6 (2020): 603-624. https://doi.org/10.1080/10438599.2019.1655878

Kuosmanen, Petri, Jaana Rahko, Juuso Vataja (2019). "Predictive ability of financial variables in changing economic circumstances". The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 47 (January 2019): 37-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2018.11.012

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