UN sustainable development goal: Affordable and clean energy
Energy-related research and education are top priorities at the University of Vaasa. For instance, research conducted on the VEBIC research platform contributes to the development of more efficient methods of energy production, storage, and distribution. This will simultaneously reduce reliance on vulnerable energy sources. Research and education in the field of energy will facilitate the transfer of knowledge to future generations. University of Vaasa graduates contribute to the sector by creating and implementing new knowledge.

Minna Martikainen: University of Vaasa lays the foundation for a sustainable future

Powering the future together – Public-Private Collaboration for the energy transition in Finland

Nevel’s biomethane to support the University of Vaasa’s research towards a green transition

Vaasa EnergyWeek 2024 focused on green transition and sustainable business

Towards low-carbon shipping with energy technology and innovative ship design

Supporting global energy transition – Sundom Smart Grid was a groundbreaking pilot project
UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Humanity faces significant challenges because of its own actions. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development addresses these challenges with a lofty objective: to place global development on a path to ensure human well-being and human rights, economic prosperity, and social stability in an environmentally sustainable manner. These are the challenges that the University of Vaasa is also addressing. Click on the icons below to see examples of our sustainability work.