Renewable Energy
About the research group
The Renewable Energy research group is part of School of Technology and Innovations and mainly under the subject of energy technology, but collaboration is undertaken also with the computer science, electrical engineering, industrial management and the mathematical sciences. In addition, the group collaborates closely with the University's VEBIC and Digital Economy research platforms.
The research group operates extensively throughout the energy chain. Research is carried out in particular in the areas of renewable fuels, flexible hybrid power generation, internal combustion engines, cutting emissions, energy IoT, wind energy and geoenergy.
The main laboratories are the fuel and internal combustion engine laboratories of the VEBIC research platform, as well as several geoenergy research facilities.
The main focus of the research group is naturally on technical research, but many of the research projects are multidisciplinary. Through on-going research projects with partners from different universities, universities of applied sciences and companies, the group also examines aspects of social sustainability, business economics and energy law
There are several ongoing projects funded by the EU, Business Finland, regional associations, foundations and companies. Many projects involve a large number of domestic and foreign companies and academic actors. New projects are being built. Project funding is almost exclusively outside funding.
The teaching provided by the research group is based on its own wide-ranging research. Master students writing their theses and doctoral students are involved in the projects. Courses are also organised within the framework of the FITech partner university and directly for companies. More information on doctoral education can be found here: Doctoral studies in technical sciences
Research projects almost always involve several companies, municipalities, communities or other parties in the business community. The research results thus become widely available to society; research has an impact on the development and vitality of our society. Education produces new skills and a workforce for the needs of the businesses.
The research group consists of three research teams:
- Efficient Powertrain Solutions led by Professor Maciej Mikulski,
- Energy Storage and Built Environment led by Professor Xiaoshu Lü, and
- Energy Harvesting led by Research Manager Pekka Ruuskanen.
News and events
Climate change can benefit renewable energy production in the Kvarken archipelago
Research projects
Project | Duration | Actors |
DAZE - Data Analytics for Zero Emission Marine | - | VEBIC, Digital Economy, Technology and Innovations, Renewable energy |
ProLight - Progressive lighthouse districts serving as green district Gate towards Leadership in Sustainability | - | Renewable energy, VEBIC |
CASEMATE - Computationally Aided Systems Engineering for Marine Advanced Technology for The Environment | - | Technology and Innovations, Renewable energy, VEBIC |
DiTArtIS - Network of Excellence in Digital Technologies and AI Solutions for Electromechanical and Power Systems Applications | - | Technology and Innovations, Smart electric systems, Renewable energy, VEBIC |
Silent Engine | - | VEBIC, Technology and Innovations, Renewable energy |
CHEK - deCarbonising sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs | - | VEBIC, Technology and Innovations, Renewable energy |
Clean Propulsion Technologies | - | VEBIC, Technology and Innovations, Management, Renewable energy, Strategic business development |
LEAP-RE - Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy | - | VEBIC, Technology and Innovations, Renewable energy, Smart electric systems |
Energy for IoT and other electrical devices (E4IoT) | - | Smart electric systems, Renewable energy, Technology and Innovations |
Future Ready Harbour Concept – Towards Sustainable Maritime Ecosystem | - | VEBIC, Renewable energy, Smart electric systems, Networked value systems NeVS, Strategic business development, Management, Technology and Innovations |