Hannu Laaksonen


School of Technology and Innovations, Electrical Engineering
+358 29 449 8303
Yliopistonranta 10, 65200 Vaasa
Fabriikki F245
Office Hours:
according to agreement (send email to agree an appointment)

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  • Professor (Full), Electrical Engineering, Especially Protection and Automation of Electricity Networks, Electrical Engineering Team, School of Technology and Innovations, University of Vaasa, Finland (1.3.2018-, permanent professorship)
  • Research Team Leader (Flexible Energy Resources), 6/2020->
  • Programme Manager of Master's Programme in Smart Energy (2018-): https://www.uwasa.fi/en/education/international-masters-programmes/smart-energy
  • Professor (Full), Electrical Energy Engineering, Especially Smart and Flexible Electricity Systems, Dept. of Electrical and Energy Engineering, University of Vaasa, Finland (1.8.2017-28.2.2018, 6-year fixed term professorship)
  • Doctor of Science (Tech.), Faculty of Technology, University of Vaasa, Finland (2011)
  • Master of Science (Tech.), Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (2004)
  • LinkedIn -profile: https://fi.linkedin.com/in/hannu-laaksonen-98227779
  • ResearchGate -profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hannu_Laaksonen2


  • Microgrids, Smart Grids and Flexible Power Systems
  • Protection and control of low-Inertia power systems (Smart Grids and microgrids) with distributed energy resources (DER)
  • Active management of distributed and flexible energy resources in future smart energy systems
  • Future-proof technology and market concepts for smart grids


Multidisciplinary Master's Programme in Smart Energy (https://www.uwasa.fi/en/education/international-masters-programmes/smart-energy) offers students the latest knowledge in ongoing energy transitions and excellent capabilities to renew the industry and create future-proof solutions for sustainable and smart energy systems. Next generation electrical power engineers need to understand increasing amount of different interdisciplinary interactions ranging from new technologies to customer needs and different energy policies.

Publications and expert tasks

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