Esteban Guerrero Rosero

Ph.D. in computing science
Tekniikan ja innovaatiojohtamisen yksikkö, Tietojärjestelmätiede
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri 2. krs

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My name is Esteban, I am an assistant professor at the School of Technology and Innovations, Computer Science, University of Vaasa (UWA), Finland.

My specific research field is formal methods of software agents in Artificial Intelligence, and some of my research interests are:

... and at the human side, I have experience using:

Contact information:

Web places:


Journal papers


Workshops (peer-reviewed)

Books and theses



  • Investigame: "Improving Financial Literacy and Pro-Environmental Choices Using Game-Based Pedagogy and Virtual Reality'' funded by the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation. (2022-2024) University of Vaasa and Tampere University (Finland)
  • DigiConsumers. Learning to be Consumers in Technologically Driven Consumer Society. Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland. CULT -program (2021-2024) University of Vaasa, University of Helsinki, Pellervo Economic Research PTT, and University of Jyväskylä (Finland). Digiconsumers Web portal Work package 4: Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education. Roles: researcher using gamification mechanisms using artificial intelligence for guiding young people in financial decisions.
  • STAR-C (2018-2024)  at Umeå University, Sweden. Sustainable behaviour change for health supported by person-Tailored, Adaptive, Risk-aware digital Coaching in a social context. Funding:FORTE. STAR-C Web portal STAR-C Facebook page
  • KINESIS (2017-2018)  at Umeå University, Sweden. AI-based coaching system applied in cross-country skiing. Funding:Umeå School of Sport SciencesKinesis demo
  • Jonglera (2018-2020)  at Umeå University, Sweden a Multi-agent-based systems for stress management. Funding:VINNOVA Jonglera demo Jonglera GitHub sources
  • Semantic-based argument building (2014-2020)  at Umeå University, Sweden. A mechanism for building arguments using the answer-set programming. Github sources
  • Balansera (2016-2017)  at Umeå University, Sweden. Sensor-based and argument-based analysis of human balance. Github sources
  • Human-Robot experiments (continuous). Multi-agent systems deployed in a Nao robot. Demos

PC Member/Reviewer of

  • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine journal
  • IEEE Intelligent Systems journal
  • Knowledge and Information Systems Journal
  • Mathematical Reviews
  • Reviewer of articles for the ACM CHI2024 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • AAAI-24 Student Program
  • The 4th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD2023)
  • The 15th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS-2023
  • The 17th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM-23
  • The ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces IUI-2023 (Posters and Demos)
  • Twelfth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologie, AMBIENT 2022,  Valencia, Spain
  • International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE), co-located with AAMAS 2022
  • The 14th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS 2022
  • XIV Workshop on Agents Applied to Healthcare @ AAMAS 2022
  • AAAI-ICWSM 2022 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
  • IEEEVR21 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
  • ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022
  • AAAI-22 Special Programs and Tracks (Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
  • ICMI21 the 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
  • ISAmI'21 12th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  • DiTTEt 2021 1st International Conference on Disruptive Technologies Tech Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
  • EICS 2021 Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
  • AAAI 2021 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • AAMAS 2021 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
  • CHI 2021 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  • ECAI 2020 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • AAAI 2020 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining(FSDM)
  • SMART ACCESSIBILITY conference 2018
  • Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Health. AIH2018 (sub-reviewer)
  • International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (sub-reviewer)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) conference (sub-reviewer)
  • Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (sub-reviewer)
  • International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers -CONIELECOMP (sub-reviewer)

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