Michela Porta

Hi, my name’s Michela, I’m Italian and I’m 23 years old. I have previously completed my Bachelor’s degree in Italy, in Turin and during that period I have also done an exchange semester in Finland in Kuopio. During that stay I enjoyed so much the country and the teaching method that I have decided to continue my studies in Finland. After a long research on google to find the perfect university for me I decided to apply to Vaasa. I have chosen this university because the courses offered seemed very interesting to me and with a good balance between practical and theoretical knowledge. Moreover, the possibility of applying to a double degree in France, or Sweden or Russia looked very appealing to me.
I’ve now completed the first year in the master’s degree in finance and despite due to the covid pandemic I couldn’t be in Finland during this year I have enjoyed studying at the University of Vaasa. All the courses were well organized online with a clear schedule. There still was a lot of group project and personal assignment and that made possible for me to interact with other students even if we were physically very far away. The professors have always been helpful, and the exams were manageable. I am very grateful that the university arranged this whole year so that it was possible to complete it in distant learning to not leave any international student behind. I am, however, sorry for not being able to live in Vaasa and meet all the international student, since it can be lonely sometime study alone in a room in front of your computer.
I like how the University is organized, so that we can finish all the exam before summer and before Christmas. I also like that there are a lot of practical group projects where you can put into practice your knowledge. I have particularly enjoyed the courses about accounting, since they were very informative and helped me understand the working path I’d like to take.