Jouni Juntunen

Professori, tuotantotalous, innovaatiojohtaminen

D.Sc. (Economics and Business Administration)
School of Technology and Innovations, Industrial Management
+358 29 449 8619
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri K203

Jouni K. Juntunen is a Professor of Innovation Management at the University of Vaasa. His research focuses on crowd-based organizing in the development of sustainable innovations, and he is a WP leader for EU Horizon project A circular by design environmentally friendly geothermal energy solution based on a horizontal closed loop (HOCLOOP) and a subproject PI for the Academy of Finland funded Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon) consortium. He is a responsible teacher of the Open and User Innovation teaching module at University of Vaasa and also contributes regularly to various executive education modules.


Jouni is a co-chair of European Academy of Management (EURAM) Innovation for Sustainability, Circularity and Green-tech track. He has published in several refereed journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Ecological Economics, and Environmental Research Letters.




Jouni studied Industrial Engineering and Management at University of Oulu, Finland, and holds Dr.Sc (Econ.) from Aalto University School of Business. Prior to joining University of Vaasa, he worked at Aalto University as a Professor of Practice. He has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunication business in Finland, China, and Japan.




PhD supervision
MSc Thesis supervision
TUTA3310-3002 Transformation Design
MODL2008-3002 Fundamentals of User and Open Innovation
MODL2009-3001 Collaborative Innovation for Societal Transformation





PUBLICATIONS (Link to Google Scholar)