
DigitalTwin refers to using a digital copy of the physical system, such as machinery, factory, control system, supply chain to conduct real-time experimentation and performance improvement. DigitalTwin project applies simulation software technologies to build virtual environments for industry.

Some interesting topics on our current works are related to:

  • Applications of AR/VR/MR technologies
  • Cloud manufacturing
  • Smart connected devices (IoT)


Shamsuzzoha, A., Toshev, R., Vu Tuan, V., Kankaanpaa, T., & Helo, P. (2019). Digital factory–virtual reality environments for industrial training and maintenance. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-24.

Name of the project: DigitalTwin
Project leader: Petri Helo
Project schedule: 1.1.2020-31.12.2020
Funding from: Direct funding
Contact persons: Petri Helo, Rayko Toshev
Research group at the University of Vaasa: NeVS
Research partners: Companies
Collaboration partners: Several companies.

Project duration
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Networked value systems NeVS
Technology and Innovations
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project