CircularDigi - KiertoDigi

CircularDigi project aims to develop new concepts for small circular material flow management by using digitalization.Small flows are defined in this study as material sources where collection and transportation is challenged by capacity utilization and costs. The main target flows are related to end consumers which do not have large volumes. As an example we can mention return flows such as bio, plastics, textile, construction materials. These targets can be prioritized according to volume or value and this delimitation can be adjusted after completion of analyses.
The main activities are WP1 Logistics flow analysis, WP2 Tools and platforms for circular economy accelerators, WP3 Digital tools, WP4 Piloting. The means that the project aims to analyse pontential small flows in the region, analyse the collection/transportation models, develop a digital implementation used for transport order management, and pilot the developed concepts in practice.
The expected results of the project are new analysed solutions for solving how small material flows can be collected in an efficient way and identify the potential constraints for practical implications.
Project: CircularDigi / KiertoDigi
Time: 1.9.2019-30.8.2021
Project leader: Professor Petri Helo, University of Vaasa
Further information