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The research, development and cooperation projects of the University of Vaasa that have received external funding. You can search for projects by name or by different actors such as university research groups and research platforms.

Project Duration Actors
Flexible Clean Propulsion Technologies - Technology and Innovations, VEBIC, Renewable energy
MINCA – Methods for discovering emission cuts in supply chains - SC-Research, Technology and Innovations
Development of the regional energy system in Ostrobothnia - VEBIC, Technology and Innovations, Marketing and Communication, Management
Hydrogen economy in South Ostrobothnia - VEBIC
Pandemiakriisin opetukset (Lessons from the Covid-19 crisis) - Public policy and governance, Management
Spontaneous Volunteering in National Defense (SPOVA) - Public policy and governance
Harmonizing Profit and Planet: A Geo-Informed Machine-Learning for Environmental Accounting - Accounting and Finance, Digital Economy, Technology and Innovations, Auditing and control in accounting
Distributed AI for enhanced security in satellite-aided wireless navigation (RESILIENT) - Digital Economy, Technology and Innovations
Developing digital skills for work coordination in remote work (DigiPaikka) - Management, Human resource management
STOPP - Marketing and Communication, Marketing and Consumption Research