Anu Norrgrann

University Lecturer

School of Marketing and Communication, Marketing
+358 29 449 8745
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri 1. floor


I work as a university lecturer and programme manager for the Bachelor programme in marketing. I have a long experience from different roles in the university sector, from research and teaching to managing development projects and networks.


Currently, I am in addition to leading and developing the B.Sc programme, responsible for the following courses:

  • MARK1009 Markkinoinnin perusteet (Basic course in marketing)
  • MARK2046 Asiakaskeskeinen liiketoimintalogiikka (Customer-centric business logic)
  • MARK2032 Brändijohtaminen (Brand management)
  • MARK2047 Markkinointikommunikaatio (Marketing communications)
  • MODL2005 Global trends in branding
  • Kuluttajakäyttäytyminen (consumer behaviour)
  • Cultures of consumption
  • MARK2011 Markkinoinnin kandidaatintutkielma (Bachelor's thesis seminars in marketing)


My path as a researcher has gone through several topic areas in marketing; from network theory to branding, from service, design and retail to contexts and practices of consumption. A common denominator has been an interaction-focused, socio-material approach, an interest in the symbolic dimensions of resources and value, and the use of qualitative research methodologies from case studies to different forms of ethnography.

Homes and interiors have particularly intrigued me as an empirical setting. In this field, I have investigated phenomena both at the business network level (product and brand management in furniture manufacturer – retailer relationships) and at the level of consumer culture (e.g. taste regimes in consumer communities and home assemblages).

In my current research projects, I am also exploring other types of hobby communities, and brand and service management issues related to them.


Norrgrann, A. (2024). Using Music to Assemble Dance and Exercise Class Experiencescapes. In: Jaskari M-M. (Ed.) Building Strong Brands and Engaging Customers with Sound. IGI Global

Norrgrann, A. & Saraniemi, S. (2022) Dealing with discrepancies of a brand in change. Recomposition of value and meanings in the network. In: Stefan Markovic, Richard Gyrd-Jones, Sylvia von Wallpach and Adam Lindgreen (Eds): Research Handbook of Brand Co-Creation. Theory, practice, and ethical implications Edward Elgar Publishing

Norrgrann, A. & Syrjälä, H. (2021) Co-consuming a pet home: balancing functionality and aesthetics of a taste regime. Advances in Consumer Research. Volume 48, Eds. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 97-100.

Virtanen, H. & Norrgrann, A. (2020) How to facilitate interactivity in a massive open online course? Learnings from ‘Principles of Service Management'. Nordic Journal of Business, 69:3

Syrjälä, H. & Norrgrann, A. (2019) When your dog matches your decor. Object agency of living and non-living entities in home assemblage. In: Bajde, D., Kjeldgaard, D. & Belk, R. (eds) Consumer culture theory. Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald Group Publishing

Norrgrann, A., Ravald. A, Buss, E., Hjerpe, E. & Storbacka S-C. (2018) Prosuming news in an unbounded media landscape: a study of young adults. Kulutustutkimus.nyt.  12(1).

Syrjälä, H. & Norrgrann, A., Eds. (2018) Multifaceted autoethnography: Theoretical advancements, practical considerations and field illustrations. New York, Nova Science Publishers

Alhonnoro L. & Norrgrann, A. (2018) Gluttony. No taste without the waste? Gluttony in bakery product retailing. In: Syrjälä, H. & Leipämaa-Leskinen, H. (Eds), The seven deadly sins in consumption. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Norrgrann, A. (2015) Symbolically embedded: Essays on the creation and use of symbolic resources in furniture networks. Acta Wasaensia 327. Doctoral dissertation. University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland.

Norrgrann A. & Luokkanen-Rabetino, K. (2011) Inertia in Business Relationships: the case of a designer furniture manufacturer. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. 3(1).


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