Logo Competition

Background and purpose of the logo competition
Linginno, the language centre of the University of Vaasa, is hosting the national Language Centre Days in Vaasa 19-20.5.2021. The purpose of this competition is to find a conference logo that can be used in our marketing and information before and during the conference. These are the 21st Language Centre Days, and this is the first time the event will be hosted in Vaasa and on the University of Vaasa campus. Conference invitations will be sent out to all language and communication teachers at Finland’s universities and universities of applied sciences. The estimated number of participants is 300.
Competition rules
The competition is open to anyone living in Finland, excluding those involved in organizing it. By participating, participants agree to comply with the rules of the competition and the decisions made by the organizer.
The competition period is from February 18 to March 15, 2020, and the winner will be selected during March 2020. The winner of the competition will be awarded a € 150 cash prize.
The logo proposal should include the main theme of the Language Centre Days. It is Tahto & Tila: Languages Across Borders – Språk Över Gränserna. The two phrases after the colon can be placed on top of each other or overlap each other, but may not be placed after each other. The form, colour, typeface and word picture of the logo can be freely designed. We need a version of the winning proposal that can be used straight away, without additional costs.
Participants can submit the logo proposals using the online form. The same participant may submit multiple logo suggestions.
By participating in the competition, participants transfer all rights to the suggested logo to the organizer, except for the non-proprietary copyright. The organizer reserves the right to modify the logo proposal and also to abstain from choosing the logo from among the submitted proposals. The University of Vaasa has the right to publish both the winning proposal as well as the winner’s name and hometown in various media without separate consent or compensation. Personal data provided by participants will only be processed in connection to the competition and all data will be deleted after the end of the competition. The organizer will not be responsible for any costs incurred due to accepting the prize.
The organizer reserves the right to make changes in the competition or to interrupt it, if deemed appropriate. Information about possible changes will be published on the web pages of the language centre. Further information: Director Nina Pilke (nina.pilke[at]uwasa.fi).