Dissertation: Teaching through experiential client-based projects is challenging

– The aim is to increase our understanding of the managerial challenges in teaching marketing knowledge and skills through experiential client-based projects in the context of the fuzzy front end, Jaskari tells.
Jaskari creates comprehensive model of experiential client-based teaching. The model sheds light on teaching process and the challenges faced in different phases of it.
– Managing team composition, deciding on challenge level and balancing between critical and creative support processes are critical stages for the course management. Tensions within these critical stages illustrate the variety of possible project processes and outcomes, says Jaskari.
Seven typical project paths that students undergo and critical stages within these paths are identified. A model incorporating a business process, a creative process, student outputs and the experiential learning cycle is created for ensuring the final outcome.
The findings are integrated to the framework of constructive alignment in order to produce a contextualized and extended understanding of the challenges in managing experiential client-based teaching. The study contributes mainly to marketing education literature.
The public examination of Minna-Maarit Jaskari's doctoral dissertation ”Teaching the future marketers through experiential client-based projects. Marketing knowledge and skills in the context of early phases of service and product development” will be on Friday, December 13th 2013 at 12 o´clock in Auditorium Kurtén. Professor Ed Petkus from the Anisfield School of Business, USA, will act as an opponent and professor Martti Laaksonen as a custos.