Public Law

Research in Public law focuses on relationships between public bodies and private subjects and our main areas of interest are administrative law, constitutional law and welfare law.

We typically approach the public administration from the client perspective, giving special attention to citizens’ and clients’ fundamental and human rights. We also focus on power and liability of public bodies and legal remedies against abuses of power by public authorities.

We approach the public law issues taking into account the modern challenges such as internationalization, digitalization and public-private partnership. Our research covers many interesting topics and areas, e.g. criminal and tort liability of civil servants, barriers to access to justice from the viewpoint of vulnerable groups, control and oversight of intelligence services, legal framework of the procurement in the public sector, safety and security in the workplace, and challenges of cyber security.

In the Vaasa university public law research team, we have a long history of Nordic cooperation and most of our research projects include a comparative perspective. Also, empirical legal research (quantitative and qualitative) is our strength.