Nasser Abdullah

University Lecturer

PhD in Software Engineering
School of Technology and Innovations, Computer Science
+358 29 449 8661
Wolffintie 32, 65200 Vaasa
Tervahovi B312

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ABDULLAH B. NASSER received the B.Sc. degree from Hodeidah University, Yemen, in 2006, the M.Sc. degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science (software engineering) from Universiti Malaysia Pahang, in 2018. He is currently a University Lecturer in programming and software engineering with the University of Vaasa, Finland. He is also the author of many scientific articles published in renowned journals and conferences. His research interests include software engineering and artificial intelligence software testing and search-based computing, specifically, the use of optimization methods for solving different problems.



My current research centers around Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. Specifically, the use of artificial intelligence algorithms such as optimization algorithm and machine learning for solving different problems including software testing, software defect predication, and image processing. I also worked on Cryptography which is studying the techniques of secure data and communication.




[1]    Robust Tuning K-Nearest Neighbours Classifier for Software Defect Prediction, Abdullah B. Nasser, Waheed Ghanem, Antar Shaddad Hamed Abdul-Qawy, Mohammed A. H. Ali, Abdul-Malik Saad, Sanaa A. A. Ghaleb and Nayef Alduais, the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS 2022),

[2]    Construction of Prioritized T-Way Test Suite Using Bi-objective Dragonfly Algorithm (BDA), M Ahmed, A. B. Nasser, KZ Zamli -  IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745) (2022)

[3]    Assessing the Chaotic Map Population Initializations for Sine Cosine Algorithm Using the Case Study of Pairwise Test Suite Generation, Fakhrud Din, KZ Zamli, A. B. Nasser,  2022 - IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745)

[4]    Cyber Intrusion Detection System Based on a Multiobjective Binary Bat Algorithm for Feature Selection and Enhanced Bat Algorithm for Parameter Optimization in Neural Networks, WAHM Ghanem, SAA Ghaleb, A Jantan, AB Nasser, SAM Saleh, A Ngah, ... - IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745) (2022)

[5]    TEMSEP: Threshold-Oriented and Energy-Harvesting Enabled Multilevel SEP Protocol for Improving Energy-Efficiency of Heterogeneous WSNs Antar Shaddad Hamed Abdul-Qawy, Abdullah B Nasser, Abdo H Guroob, Abdul-Malik HY Saad, Nayef Abdulwahab Mohammed Alduais, Narendra Khatri, , 2022, IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745)


[6]    A. B. Nasser, Waheed A. Ghanem, KZ Zamli, An Adaptive Opposition-based Learning Selection: The Case for Jaya Algorithm, 2021, IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745)

[7]    MAH Ali, MSA Radzak, M Mailah, N Yusoff, B Abd Razak, MSA Karim, Abdullah B Nasser, Rawad Abdulghafor, A novel inertia moment estimation algorithm collaborated with Active Force Control scheme for wheeled mobile robot control in constrained environments, 2022, Expert Systems with Applications, (Q1, IF 3.745)

[8]    Antar Shaddad H Abdul-Qawy, Abdullah B Nasser, Abdo H Guroob, Abdul-Malik HY Saad, Nayef Abdulwahab Mohammed Alduais, Narendra Khatri, TEMSEP: Threshold-oriented and Energy-harvesting enabled Multilevel SEP protocol for improving energy-efficiency of heterogeneous WSNs , 2021, IEEE Access, (Q1, IF 3.745)

[9]    Muhamad Ridhwan Bin Nashrudin, Abdullah B Nasser, Antar Shaddad H Abdul-Qawy, V-CRYPT: A Secure Visual Cryptography System, 2021, International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems.

[10]Kamal Zuhairi Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Abdullah Nasser,  Nazirah Ramli and Noraini Mohamed, Dynamic Probability Selection For Flower  Pollination Algorithm Based On Metropolishastings Criteria, 2020, Journal of ICT.

[11]Fadhl Hujainah, A. B. Nasser, KZ Zamli, SRPTackle: A Semi-Automated Requirements Prioritisation Technique for Scalable Requirements of Software System Projects, Information and Software Technology ( ISI Q1, IF :2.726).


[12]A. B. Nasser, Waheed A. Ghanem, KZ Zamli Adaptive Neighbor Heuristics Flower Pollination Algorithm Strategy for Sequence Test Generation,  Springer nature 2021.

[13]Waheed Ali HM Ghanem, Yousef A Baker El-Ebiary, Abdullah B Nasser, Mohamed Abdulnab, Mohammad Tubishat, Nayef AM Alduais, Metaheuristic Based IDS Using Multi-objective Wrapper Feature Selection and Neural Network Classification, International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security, 2020

[14]WAHM Ghanem, A. B. Nasser, A Jantan, SAA Ghaleb, An Efficient Intrusion Detection Model Based on Hybridization of Artificial Bee Colony and Dragonfly Algorithms for Training Multilayer Perceptrons, 2020, IEEE Access 8, 130452-130475, (Q1, IF 3.745)

[15]Kamal Zuhairi Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Abdullah Nasser, Nazirah Ramli, Noraini Mohamed,  DYNAMIC PROBABILITY SELECTION FOR FLOWER POLLINATION ALGORITHM BASED ON METROPOLISHASTINGS CRITERIA, Journal of Information and Communication Technology(JICT), (Scopus, SJR=1.8, Q2)

[16]Abdullah B Nasser, Antar SH Abdul-Qawy, Nibras Abdullah, Fadhl Hujainah, Kamal Z Zamli, Waheed AHM Ghanem Latin Hypercube Sampling Jaya Algorithm based Strategy for T-way Test Suite Generation, Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications

[17]MZ Rehman, KZ Zamli, Abdullah B Nasser, An Improved Genetic Bat algorithm for Unconstrained Global Optimization Problems, Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications

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