Janne Äijö


School of Accounting and Finance, Finance Group
+358 29 449 8519
Wolffintie 32, 65200 Vaasa
Tervahovi D322
Office Hours:
Tuesday 13-13:45


Financial Markets and Investments

Research in Financial Markets, jointly with Assistant Prof. Piljak and Grobys (not during 2019-2020)

Introduction to Bachelor's Thesis in Finance*

Introduction to Master´s Thesis in Finance*

* Jointly with the colleagues of the Department



Tikkanen, J., & Äijö J., (2018). Does the F-score improve the performance of different value investment strategies in Europe? Ben Graham Center for value investing award at the 25th MFS conference.

Grobys, K., Ruotsalainen, J., & Äijö, J. (2018). Risk-managed industry momentum and momentum crashes. Quantitative Finance, forthcoming.

Junhua, J., & Äijö, J., (2018). Equity volatility connectedness across China's real estate firms and financial institutions, Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies 2, 215-231.

Dimic, N., Orlov, V. & Äijö, J. (2018). Bond-equity yield ratio investing in Emerging markets. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, forthcoming.

Dimic, N., Neudl, M., Orlov, V. & Äijö, J. (2017). Investor sentiment, soccer games and stock returns. Research in International Business and Finance, forthcoming.

J. Peltomäki & J. Äijö (2017). Where is the ‘meat' in smart beta strategies? Journal of Wealth Management, fortcoming.

D. Davydov, J., Tikkanen & J., Äijö (2016) Magic formula vs. traditional value investment strategies in the Finnish stock market. Nordic Journal of Business 65, 38-54.

N. Dimic, J., Kiviaho, V., Piljak & J., Äijö (2016). Impact of financial market uncertainty and macroeconomic factors on stock-bond correlation in emerging markets. Research in International Business and Finance 36, 41-51.

J. Peltomäki & J. Äijö (2015). Cross-sectional anomalies and volatility risk in different economic and market cycles. Finance Research Letters 12, 17-22.

V. Orlov & J. Äijö (2015). Benefits of wavelet-based carry trade diversification. Research in International Business and Finance 34, 17-32.

M. Kaurijoki, J. Nikkinen & J. Äijö (2014). Return-implied volatility dynamics of high and low yielding currencies. Journal of Futures Markets 35, 1026-2041.

T. Hahl, S. Vähämaa & J. Äijö (2014). Value vs. growth in IPOs: New evidence from Finland. Research in International Business and Finance 31, 17-31.

J. Kotkatvuori-Örnberg, J. Nikkinen & J. Äijö (2013). Stock market correlations during the financial crisis of 2008-2009: Evidence from 50 equity markets. International Review of Financial Analysis 28, 70-78.

J. Nikkinen, V. Piljak & J. Äijö (2012). Baltic stock markets and the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Research in International Business and Finance, vol 26, 398-409.

S. Vähämaa & J. Äijö (2011). The Fed´s policy decisions and implied volatility. Journal of Futures Markets, vol 31, 995-1010.

Äijö, J. (2011). Option-implied stock market expectations across the week: New evidence from the FTSE-100 index options. International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, vol 3, 558-573.

Jalonen, E. & S. Vähämaa & J. Äijö (2010). Turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects in government bond markets: Is there a role for macroeconomic news? Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 23, 75-81.

Nikkinen, J. & P. Sahlström & K. Takko & J. Äijö (2009). Turn-of-the-month and Intramonth Anomalies and U.S. Macroeconomic News Announcements on the Thinly Traded Finnish Stock Market.International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 1, 3-12.

Nikkinen, J. & M. Omran & P. Sahlström & J. Äijö (2008). The Effects of U.S. Macroeconomic News Announcements on Emerging Stock Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, Vol 12, 3-14.

Nikkinen, J. & M. Omran & P. Sahlström & J. Äijö (2008). Stock returns and volatility following the September 11 attacks: Evidence from 53 equity markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol 17, 92-104. 

Äijö, J. (2008). Implied volatility term structure linkages between VDAX, VSMI and VSTOXX volatility indices. Global Finance Journal, Vol 18, 290-302.

Äijö, J. (2008). Impact of US and UK macroeconomic news announcements on the return distribution implied by FTSE-100 options. International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol 17, 242-258.

Nikkinen, J. & P. Sahlström & J. Äijö (2007). Do the US macroeconomic news announcements explain turn-of-the-month and intramonth anomalies on European stock markets? Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol 7, 48-62.

Nikkinen, J. & P. Sahlström & J. Äijö (2007). Turn-of-the-month and intramonth effects: Explanation from the important macroeconomic news announcements. Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 27. 105-126. 

Nikkinen, J. & M. Omran & P. Sahlström & J. Äijö (2006). Global stock market reactions to scheduled U.S. macroeconomic news announcements. Global Finance Journal, Vol. 17, 92-104. 

Vähämaa, S. & S. Watska & J. Äijö (2005). What moves option-implied bond market expectations? Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 25, 817-843.

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