Tiina Jokinen
Ankkuri 3. floor (KP329)
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Scientific domain:
International Human Resource Management (expatriates, global leadership, cross-cultural management, international human resource management, international careers)
Finnish (native), English (fluent), German (moderate), Swedish (moderate), French (basic), Italian (basic).
Latukha, Marina; Doleeva Anna; Järlström, Maria; Jokinen, Tiina; Piekkari, Rebecca (2016) . Does corporate language influence career mobility? Evidence from MNCs in Russia. European Management Journal, 34(4): 363–373.
Järlström, Maria; Piekkari, Rebecca, Jokinen, Tiina. (2014). How language misfit may affect psychological career mobility? Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2014(1):11705-11705.
Järlström, Maria; Piekkari, Rebecca; Jokinen, Tiina. (2013). Psychological Career Mobility and Person-Language Misfit at the Workplace: A Conceptual Approach. Conference proceedings of the 13th Annual conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM2013)
Järlström Maria, Piekkari Rebecca & Jokinen Tiina. (2013). Psychological Career Mobility and Person-Language Misfit in Multinational Corporations. Conference proceedings of the Academy of International Business (AIB).
Järlström Maria, Piekkari Rebecca, Seppälä Tomi, Jokinen Tiina, Nyyssölä Milla & Koivula Terhi. (2013). Kielitaito ja uraliikkuvuus: TEK:iin kuuluvien insinöörien näkemyksiä kielitaidosta ja uraliikkuvuudesta. Tekniset Akateemiset –research report.
Järlström Maria, Piekkari Rebecca, Seppälä Tomi, Jokinen Tiina, Nyyssölä Milla & Koivula Terhi. (2013). Kielitaito ja uraliikkuvuus: UIL:ään ja DIFF:iin kuuluvien insinöörien näkemyksiä kielitaidosta ja uraliikkuvuudesta. Uusi Insinööriliitto ja Driftingenjörsförbundet i Finland – research report.
Järlström, Maria; Piekkari, Rebecca; Jokinen, Tiina. (2012). The relationships between different types of language fit and career mobility – conceptual approach. Conference proceedings of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).
Järlström, Maria; Piekkari, Rebecca; Jokinen, Tiina. (2012). Psychological Career Mobility and Person-Language Fit at the Workplace: A Conceptual Approach. Proceedings of European International Business Academy (EIBA).
Jokinen Tiina, Järlström Maria, Piekkari Rebecca. (2011). Career mobility in international organisations: Language as a glass ceiling to upward mobility?. Proceedings of the 37th EIBA Annual Conference.
Jokinen, Tiina (2010). Development of career capital through international assignments and its transferability to new contexts. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(4), July/August 2010.
Jokinen, Tiina (2008). Development of global career capital through expatriation. Paper presented at the 4th EIASM Workshop on Expatriation, Las Palmas, Spain 23-24 october, 2008.
Jokinen, Tiina (2008). Development and transfrability of global career capital, paper presented at the HRM Global 2008 conference, 27-29 August in Turku, Finland.
Jokinen, Tiina; Brewster, Chris and Suutari, Vesa (2008). Career capital during international work experience: contrasting self-initiated expatriate experience and assigned expatriation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(6): 979-999.
Jokinen, Tiina (2007). Changes in society, changes in organizations - changes in individuals: International assignments as a learning experience through the eyes of Finnish expatriates. Proceedings of International Human Resource Management Conference 2007, Tallin, Estonia.
Jokinen, Tiina; Brewster, Chris & Suutari, Vesa (2005). 'Knowing-how' and 'knowing-why' career capital during international work experiences: contrasting self-initiated expatriate experiences and assigned expatriation', proceedings of The 8th Conference on International Human Resource Management (IHRM),Cairns, Australia, 14-17 June 2005.
Jokinen, Tiina (2005). 'Previous international experience and perceived development of global competencies during foreign work experience', proceedings of The 8th Conference on International Human Resource Management (IHRM),Cairns, Australia, 14-17 June 2005.
Jokinen, Tiina. (2005), ‘Global leadership competencies: a review and discussion', Journal of European Industrial Training (JEIT), 28(3): 199-216.
Jokinen, Tiina (2005) ‘Previous international experience and perceived increase in global competencies during foreign work experience', paper accepted for presentation in 8th Conference on International Human Resource Management (IHRM2005), 14-17 June, Cairns, Australia.
Jokinen, Tiina; Brewster, Chris & Suutari, Vesa (in process) ‘Self-initiated foreign work experiences: knowledge creation and internal career perspectives', paper submitted for publication in the Journal of World Business (JWB).
Brewster, Chris; Jokinen, Tiina & Suutari, Vesa (2004) ‘Self-initiated foreign work experiences: knowledge creation and internal career perspectives', paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, 5-8 May, St.Andrews, Scotland.