Vesa Suutari
Ankkuri 3.floor (K313)

I have worked in the University of Vaasa since 1990 in various positions. I was nominated as a professor in 2002. Between 2004-2006 I worked as a Head of Department and later on as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies for five years.From January 2010 April 2016 I worked as Dean of the Faculty and as one of the Vice Rectors of the University of Vaasa. In 2016 I left for one year research sabbathical leave after which I have continued my work as a Professor again.
I belong to the the research group Human Resource Management at the university. My areas of reserach interest relate with cross-cultural management and international human resource management. I have published around 80 publications in international journals and edited books. Publication details can be found through the following links:
Latest publications:
Dickmann, M., Suutari, V., Brewster, C., Mäkelä, L., Tanskanen, J. and C. Tornikoski (in press). The effect of international work experience on the career success of expatriates: a comparison of assigned and self-initiated expatriates. Human Resource Management.
Dickmann, M., Suutari, V., Brewster, C., Mäkelä, L., Tanskanen, J. and C. Tornikoski (in press). The Career Competencies of Self-Initiated and Assigned Expatriates: Assessing the Development of Career Capital over Time. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Mäkelä, L., Suutari, V., Brewster, C., Dickmann, M. & Tornikoski, C. (2016). The impact of career capital on expatriates' marketability.Thunderbird International Business Review, 58:1, 29-40.
Brewster, C., Dickmann, M., Mäkelä, L. & V. Suutari (2016). Managing the International Workforce. In R. Kramar & J. Syed (eds), Human Resource Management in a Global Context. A Critical Approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mäkelä, L., Bergblom, B., Saarenpää, K. & V. Suutari. (2015). Work–family conflict faced by international business travellers: Do gender and parental status make a difference?" Journal of Global Mobility, 3:2, 155-168.
Mäkelä, K., Kinnunen, U. & V. Suutari. (2015). Work-to-life conflict and enrichment among international business travelers: The role of international career orientation. Human Resource Management, 54:3, 517-531.
Känsälä, M., Mäkelä, K., & V. Suutari. (2015). Career coordination strategies among dual career expatriate couples. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26: 17, 2187-2210.
Mäkelä, L. & Suutari, V. (2015). The Work and Personal Life Interface in the International Career Context: An Introduction. In Mäkelä & Suutari (Eds) Work and Family Interface in International Career Context. Springer.
Tornikoski, C., Suutari, V. & M. Festing (2015). Compensation Package of International Assignees. In Collings, D., P. Caligiuri, & G. Wood (eds), Routledge Companion to International HRM. Routledge.
Chris Brewster, C., Bonache, J., Cerdin, J-L & V. Suutari (2014). Exploring expatriate outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25:14, 1921-1937.
My teaching has related with international HRM and cross-cultural management issues in the EPAS-accredited Master Degree Programme in International Business. I have also teached at adult education sector for over 25 years.