Elina Haapamäki

Assistant Professor (tenure track)

School of Accounting and Finance, Accounting
+358 29 449 8471
Wolffintie 32, 65200 Vaasa
Tervahovi D342

Selected Publications:

Book chapter

Haapamäki Elina and Sihvonen Jukka (2022) Cybersecurity in accounting research, Routledge Studies in Accounting series with the title "Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Perspectives" edited by Othmar Lehner and Carina Knoll.

Scientific articles

Haapamäki, E.E. and Mäki, J. (2023), "An analysis of comment letters on a new, stand-alone standard for audits of less complex entities' financial statements", Journal of Accounting Literature, Vol. ahead-of-print No. aheadof-print. Abstract

Haapamäki Elina (2022), "Insights into neo-institutional theory in accounting and auditing regulation research", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 336-357. Abstract

Haapamäki Elina (2021): An examination of comment letters concerning an increase in audit exemption thresholds. Evidence from Finland, Accounting Forum, DOI: 10.1080/01559982.2021.1974234 Abstract

Haapamäki Elina & Sihvonen Jukka (2019) Cybersecurity in accounting research, Managerial Auditing Journal, 34(7), 808-834. Abstract

Haapamäki Elina (2019) The role of country-specific factors and the adoption of a global business language, Nordic Journal of Business, 68(1), 34-52.

Haapamäki Elina & Sihvonen Jukka (2019) Research on International Standards on Auditing: Literature Synthesis and Opportunities for Future Research. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 35(2), 37-56.

Haapamäki Elina (2018) Voluntary auditing: A Synthesis of the Literature, Accounting in Europe, DOI: 10.1080/17449480.2018.1430369

Haapamäki, E., Zerni, M. Järvinen, T. ja Niemi L. (2012). Do Joint Audits Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from Voluntary Joint Audits. European Accounting Review. vol 21:4, p. 731-765.


Publications and expert tasks

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