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Research Service Days 2024

This year we’ll meet in Vaasa at the University of Vaasa.
The University of Vaasa and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences organize the days together.

Visions for the future

Research Service Days is an annual event for experts in research and development funding, innovation services, open science and other research management at universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes. Others interested in the content of the days are also welcome. The event is organised by the University of Vaasa and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences at the Palosaari campus in Vaasa.

This year's theme, Visions of the Future, emphasises anticipation and preparation for various changes in different areas of research administration. Finnish research administration professionals are highly educated and skilled. We challenge all participants to deepen their knowledge and to envision different perspectives for the future.

Welcome to the University of Vaasa and Vaasa University of Applied Science!

  • Conference days: Thursday & Friday 22–23 Aug 2024 (Wed 21 Aug networking afternoon)
  • Location: Vaasa, Palosaari campus, University of Vaasa and VAMK premises

If you have any questions please contact 


Wednesday, August 21st at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences:

Thursday, August 22nd at the University of Vaasa:

  • 8:30 Registration opens
  • 9:00-10:00 Welcome and the first keynote
  • 10:00-10:30 Coffee break
  • 10:30-12:00 Second keynote, panel discussion, and practical matters
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00-14:30 Sessions
  • 14:30-15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:00-16:30 Sessions

19:00-23:00 Dinner at the university. Bus transportation is arranged for the dinner.

Friday, August 23rd at the University of Vaasa:

  • 9:00 Registration begins
  • 9:30-11:00 Good morning session, Finn-Arman’s speech, and the third keynote
  • 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
  • 11:30-13:00 Sessions
  • 13:00-15:00 Lunch

Please note that the program is preliminary, and we reserve the right to make changes.

The theme of Research Service Days 2024 is Visions for the future. This year we are emphasizing anticipation and preparation for various changes in different areas of research administration.  Our track themes are: 

  • Pre-award
  • Post-award 
  • Responsible and open research
  • Open Science and Collaboration (international, companies)
  • Data and openness

Track 1: 

Track 2: Post-award 

Track 3: Vastuullinen ja avoin tiede

Track 4: 

Track 5: 
Data ja avoimuus

Thusday 22 Aug

Navigating Impact Metrics - How to craft KPIs for research funding proposals, 

Leena Köppä

Post-award asiantuntijuuden tulevaisuudet, työpaja

Anu Kettunen, Nicholas Marsh

Research Ethics and Integrity in the Age of AI: Current Insights, 

Anu Helkkula

Miten lisätä suomalaisten korkeakoulujen osuutta eurooppalaisesta tutkimusinfrastruktuuri-rahoituksesta?

Heidi Laine

Avoimen datan metsästys? Laadullisen datan avaamisen haasteet tutkimustyön arjessa, työpaja

Anneli Lehtisalo


Support for Horizon Europe 
Pillar II coordination - Case CoordPack

Vilma Hämäläinen

Datanhallinnan asiantuntijat maksimoimassa tutkimuksen laatua ja vaikuttavuutta

Päivi Kanerva

Vastuullisuus tutkimuksen elinkaaren vaiheissa

Veikko Ikonen

Proof of Concept Funding – towards valorisation of research results

Hannele Lahtinen

Sosiaalisen median aineisto tutkimusaineistona: Yhteisten ohjeiden laatiminen

Katja Laine

Coffee break

Suomen Akatemian 

Jani Haapakoski

Preparing for lump sum project, työpaja

Jenni Poutanen,
Noora Tiihonen

Avoimen tieteen ja tutkimuksen rahoitusmallia rakentamassa, työpaja

Ilmari Jauhiainen,
Susanna Nykyri

Eurooppalainen tiedediplomatia: tasapainoilua EU:n arvojen ja ulkopoliittisten tavoitteiden välillä

Tiina Vihma-Purovaara

Tutkimusdatan-hallinnan osaaminen tulevaisuuden menestystekijänä

Päivi Rauste


Miten lisätä suomalaisten korkeakoulujen osuutta euooppalaisessa tutkimusinfrastruktuuri-rahoituksessa?

Heidi Laine

Tutkimuksen yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden arviointi ja sen todentamisen haasteet strategisessa tutkimuksessa, työpaja

Mari Taskinen,
Laura Jaakonaho

Tutkimuksen datan hallinta vuonna 2030 – DAHA-viitearkkitehtuuri digitaalisen transformaation välineenä

Eeva Nyrövaara


How to write a renewed ERC curriculum vitae & track record?

Maria Maunula

Case study on Open Access Management challenges and solutions at Tampere Universities

Turkka Näppilä

Uutta vaikuttavuutta korkeakoulujen ja yritysten väliseen yhteistyöhön

Seliina Päällysaho

Tutkimustietovaranto tutkimushallinnon tukena muutoksissa

Sonja Sipponen


Vaikuttavuustaitojen kehittäminen osana tutkijan osaamista

Elina Rossi

Vastuullisen arvioinnin kansalliset koulutustarpeet

Miki Kallio

Yritysyhteistyön uudet toimintamuodot

Aapo Kiviniemi, 
Hanna Listenmaa (KPMG)

SoleCRISin "arkistointi"-ominaisuus avoimen tieteen tukijana

Niilo Lahti

Friday 23 Aug

Fit for the increasing share of lump sum funding? Rethinking support processes

Kaisa Männikkö

The power of AI in funding proposal preparation

Laura Valkeasuo

Managing compliance with Responsible Research requirements -  implementing mandatory procedures

Cornelia Thomas

Eurooppalaiset korkeakouluverkostot: Mahdollisuudet ja haasteet asiantuntijahenkilöstön osaamisen kehittämisessä

Katri Rintamäki

Avoimen tieteen ja tutkimuksen seurannan tutkimusaineistojen indikaattorit, työpaja

Marita Kari


How to address sustainablity in EU proposal preparation

Julia Nevmerzhitskaya

Projektien aloitus- ja lopetuspalaverit projektihallinnan tukena

Suvi Kivelä

Näkökulmia vastuulliseen tutkijanarviointiin ja FIN-CAM-arviointityökaluun

Janne Pölönen

Unlocking the Potential: Finnish Research and Collaboration in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

Josefine Nordling 


The power of AI in funding proposal preparation

Sanna Uusitalo

Mihin menet vaikuttavuus? – Tutkimuksen vaikuttavuuden kehittämistä palvelevat työmenetelmät

Laura Niemi

JUFO-portaali 2.0 luotettavien ja avoimien julkaisukanavien tietolähteenä

Elina Pylvänäinen

Tutkimuksen tulevaisuus eurooppalaisissa yliopistoalliansseissa

Katja Ritari

Tutkimus-infrastruktuurien aineistonhallinta-politiikat kuntoon

Tuija Korhonen


Research Service Days take place on 22–23 August 2024. Research Service Days is an annual event for the experts in research and development funding, innovation services, open science and other research management at universities of applied sciences and research institutes.

The registration fee includes:
  • Participation and materials
  • Coffee and lunch on the Research Service Days as marked in the programme
  • Dinner and evening programme at the university on Thursday, 22 August 
Prices: (participants)

Registration fee (early) 350 eur + VAT 24%
Registration fee (late) 400 eur + VAT 24%

You also have opportunity to participate in a guided tour at Strömsö on Wednesday, 21 August. Additional fee for the tour is 20 eur + VAT 24%.

Early bird fee is valid until 30 June after which date late fees apply. Registration is open as long as places are available. Final registration deadline is on 8 August.

Registration to the Research Service Days

We have reserved a room quota for the participants of the Research Service Days in the following hotels: 


Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

55 x standard rooms
10 x superior rooms

  • 140 € / single standard room / day  or 160 € / double standard room / day
  • 115 € / single superior room / day or 175 € / double superior room / day 

The prices include a rich buffet breakfast, access to the customer sauna within opening hours, access to the hotel gym. The given prices include value-added tax. The customer does not have the right to transfer the contract to a third party without the hotel’s or consent. Guests reserve rooms from the quota themselves using the reservation code BRSD24 by August 14, 2024. 

Original Sokos Hotel Royal

43 x standard rooms 

  • 122 € / single standard room / day 
  • 142 € / double standard room / day 

The prices include a rich buffet breakfast, access to the customer sauna within opening hours, access to the hotel gym. The given prices include value-added tax. The customer does not have the right to transfer the contract to a third party without the hotel’s or consent. Guests reserve rooms from the quota themselves using the reservation code BRSD24 by August 14, 2024

In addition, you can book a room at a discounted price from Scandic Vaasa, either from this link or by making a reservation at using the reservation code FIARB

We would like to offer you the opportunity to present your own research in the form of a poster at the upcoming Research Service Days. If you are interested in this opportunity, we kindly ask you to inform us by email at no later than August 8, 2024, so that we can reserve a suitable place for your poster.

Upon arrival at the event, we ask you to report your poster at the Research Service Days information desk, from where you will be directed to the location of your poster. We recommend adding a separate QR code to the posters, which allows other participants to delve deeper into your topic.

In our program, there is no separate poster session, but the posters are on display throughout the event. We encourage event participants to explore the posters especially during the coffee break on Thursday afternoon. We recommend that you be present at your poster at this time if you want to present your research in more detail.

University of Vaasa

Vaasa is easy to reach from near and far. The airport is only about 10 minutes from the centre of Vaasa, and the railway station is right in the city centre.

The distance from the city centre hotels to the University of Vaasa campus in Palosaari is 1.8 km (Original Sokos Hotel Royal and Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna). Walking along the coastline (University of Vaasa - Inner Harbour) the distance is about 1.5 km and from the Inner Harbour to the city centre about 1 km.

Buses 1, 2 and 4 run between the city centre and the University of Vaasa. In the city centre, take the bus from Vaasanpuistikko (line 2) or Raastuvankatu (lines 1 and 4). 

When you arrive in Palosaari, get off at the first stop after the Palosaari bridge (Wolffintie 33).

Bus timetables and routes  
Taxi Vaasa (0600 300 11 or Taxi Vaasa app)
Map of Vaasa
For more detailed instructions on visiting and parking on campus and a map of the campus, please visit the university's website.

Tervetuloa Vaasaan 💙 Välkommen till Vasa 💙 Welcome to Vaasa
Katso video

Things to do in Vaasa 


Eat, drink & enjoy

Restaurants and Cafés in Vaasa and the Vaasa Region | Vaasa

Getting around

  • Get to know Vaasa on foot or on a bike

              Vaasa City Day on Foot or on a B | Vaasa




Solenovo  Finnish Research Impact Foundation  Sage  Thinking Portfolio  KPMG

The website has been updated on 12 April 2024