Register for the EUNICE CLab during February!

Have you always wanted to develop your entrepreneurial idea? Would you like to be part of a transnational team that is working on a start-up idea and turns it into a feasible project? Join the EUNICE CLab programme!

Have you always wanted to develop your entrepreneurial idea? Would you like to be part of a transnational team that is working on a start-up idea and turns it into a feasible project?

You can do all this and more if you register for the EUNICE CLab programme: as part of the project, you will be assigned into an interdisciplinary team with students from other EUNICE universities. Teams will be assisted and supported by mentors during the program.

The program will start on 10 March and will run for 11 sessions (weekly online workshops). At the final event, teams will present their ideas and the participants of the winning teams will have the possibility to take part in an on-site Summer School hosted by the University of Catania, Italy 10-14 July 2023.

For more information, detailed agenda and application form, please visit the EUNICE website.
Apply until 28 February. The selected participants will be informed shortly after.

At the University of Vaasa participants will get 5 ECTS points (OPIS0080 – Practical Project Work) as part of optional studies.


What is EUNICE?

EUNICE is a network university that provides students and staff in the partner organizations with opportunities for international experiences, networking and high-quality online learning. In addition to the University of Vaasa, the EUNICE partner universities are:

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