Nyyti News 6/2023

Greetings from Nyyti!
We received happy news - MIELI Mental Health Finland, which administers the Hyvän mielen työpaikka® mark, has awarded Nyyti ry the Hyvän miel työpaikka® mark as an emblem and recognition of the employer’s commitment to nurturing and strengthening the mental health of the staff.
The issuer of the mark states the following about Nyyti ry's activities:
"What was particularly gratifying was the strong emphasis on mind-friendly everyday life. You approach the building of a good everyday life wisely, starting with investing in its orientation and with task descriptions that are updated once a year, expanding the development work to strengthening the experience of cohesion and autonomy, and workplace and time flexibilities to achieve a good balance between work and free time. In addition, you also take care of the adequacy of front-line resources and the well-being and capabilities of front-line employees.
Nyyti´s Chat
Nyyti’s Chat is a place for sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
This group chat is meant for all students over the age of 18. Chat is anonymous. There will always be Nyyti’s volunteers or employees at the chat with you. Always remember to behave according to the principles for a safer space.
The June Chat will concentrate on questions related to one’s own strengths. We can find ways to concentrate on the most meaningful things in everyday life by recognizing our strengths. What kind of things inspire you and give you energy? Do you wonder can you find opportunities to look for and take care of your strengths despite everyday demands and how do you get support for this? Join us to chat and share about discovering and taking care of strengths for emotional wellbeing.
By clicking the chat title, you get more information about the chat (opens in a new window).
More information about chats on our website.
- Tue 13 June How can I find my strengths?
Support, offered in Finnish
Individual support for dealing with concerns related to the environmental crisis in Finnish
Ympäristö ja tulvaisuus mielessä (writer’s translation: The Environment and the Future in Mind) -project offers individual support for dealing with concerns related to the environmental crisis via telephone and e-mail. This support is offered in Finnish only. More information in Finnish.
Support for loneliness in Finnish
Loneliness in mind peer groups - More information on Nyyti’s website in Finnish (The link opens in a new window.)