Week of Well-being is here again!
The Week of Well-being is a yearly event for students and staff at the university, hosted by the University of Vaasa together with The Student Union of the University of Vaasa in collaboration with university key partners. All events are free of charge and open to all students as well as staff at the University of Vaasa. The week of well-being has been arranged at the University since 2011.
Follow VYY´s website Week of well-being for more information!
Week of Well-being schedule
Monday 25.10.
- 10.00-11.00:
- Spikeball Basics, Wärtsilä Hall (Domus Bothnica)
- 14.10-14.15: Opening words for the well-being week, HR Director Elina Kaunismäki, Levón auditorium Tervahovi building
- 14.15-15.00: Opening lecture, speaker Antti Savola, Levón auditorium Tervahovi building
- 15.30-16.30: Nature walk around campus, departure from behind Tritonia. The nature walk is organized by Trainee Study Psychologist Ville Horila
Tuesday 26.10.
- 11.00-13.00:
- Mini Fair, Mathilda Hall Tervahovi building
- 12-12.30: The heartbeat of the university
- Take a short break and come to the front of Tritonia at 12 PM, when we will form the pulsating heart of the university together!
- Feel free to wear something yellow, gray, or black.
- The heart is captured by a drone and is used in university marketing. (weather reservation)
- 13.00-14.00: Nyyti ry's Opintojen edistäminen mielenterveys huomioiden -lecture in Nissi auditorium Tritonia building
- 13.45-14.15: Long recess, in front of the Tritonia (weather reservation)
- 14.15-14.45: Kehotietoisuus ja selkä -break exercise by FSHS physiotherapist Miika Wikberg. The break exercise will be held in the hallway where VOAS’s campus office is located, near Restaurant Mathilda
- 19.00->: Students’ movie night at the Ritz. The film night is organized by the Mikä neuvoksi -project. Pre-register to the movie night.
- Registration opens on Thursday 21.10. at 12 PM.
Wednesday 27.10.
- 9.30-9.50: Break exercise. The break exercise will be held in the hallway where VOAS’s campus office is located, near Restaurant Mathilda
- 11.00-13.00: Mini Fair, Mathilda Hall
- 15.30-16.30: WasaUP guided climbing. Register for the event in advance by sending an e-mail to sports(at)uwasa.fi. There is room for 10 people.
Thursday 28.10.
- 10.15-11.00: Draivia tekemiseen – opiskeluvireen säätely, työn/opiskelun imun lisääminen ja psykologinen palautuminen -lecture. The lecture will be given by the study psychologists at Tervahovi’s D103 room.
- 12.00-15.00: Coffee tasting, organized by Ray Ohtonen, Tervahovi’s D103 room. 3 groups of 7 people.
- Pre-registrations open on Monday the 25th at 12 PM.
- 10.00-10.20: Break exercise, Fabriikki 4th floor lobby
- 15.30-16.30: WasaUP guided climbing. Register for the event in advance by sending an e-mail to sports(at)uwasa.fi. There is room for 10 people.
- 13.45-14.15: Long recess, in front of the Tritonia (weather reservation)
- 14.30-15: Last day’s relaxation, at Wasa Sports Club, Linda Isokoski
Other activities
Best regards,
The work group of the well-being week
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