The week of well-being 2020 on week 44

Activities related to health and well-being will be organized for staff and students throughout the week.
This year the week of well-being will take place online, and you can participate in all the programs remotely.
On Tuesday the 27th of October from 9 to 10, Pihlajalinna’s occupational health psychologist Minna Björkman gives a lecture called “Jaksaminen etätöissä ja -opinnoissa”. The materials are available in English, but the lecture is in Finnish. On Friday the 30th of October from 9 to 10 Carita Sandell-Kaukonen, Pihlajalinna’s occupational health nurse and service supervisor, will give a lecture called “Elintavoilla hyvinvoivaksi”. The lecture and the materials will both be in Finnish.
You can get into the week of well-being mood by downloading the break exercise program BEAK PRO.
Follow VYY’s social media or Week of well-being -website for more information!