Registration for the academic year 2023–2024 starts on 1st June

You can register for the academic year through Peppi. Log into Peppi and click the Register for the academic year link on the home page. You will be directed to the Oili registration service. In Oili you can register as an attending (present) or non-attending (absent) student and also pay the Student Union fee (the fee is optional for postgraduate students). Your registration status will be automatically transferred to Peppi.
You will not be able to register for courses or exams unless you have registered as attending for the academic year!
Register separately for each of your study rights
If you have multiple currently active degree programme study rights, you must register as attending (present) or non-attending (absent) separately for each of your study rights. You will see all your active study rights for which you need to register in the Oili registration service.
If you are planning to complete courses associated with different study rights, register as attending for all the relevant study rights. You only need to pay the Student Union fee for the first study right for which you register as attending. If you are not planning to complete any courses associated with a particular study right, you can register as non-attending for that study right.
If you have a combined study right for both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree and you have not yet completed your Bachelor’s degree, register for your Bachelor’s degree study right in Oili.
If you encounter any technical issues with registering for the academic year or you cannot log into Peppi, please contact the Education Systems Services at edusys(at)