The Palosaari campus will open gradually as of 21 April

Our campus is an important place for us to learn and meet. After a long wait, we will start to open the campus gradually starting from Wednesday 21 April 2021. This is a so-called hybrid mode of light presence on campus and the first phase of our exit plan from the coronavirus conditions.

It is still important that students and staff continue to follow the coronavirus instructions to restrain the virus and to be able to expand our operations on campus.
During the spring, studying continues to be mainly distance learning. The staff will also continue to work remotely as agreed until the end of July.

What happens in practice?
Students can book a time slot for self-studying in the following reading rooms:

  • Palomäki room A201 (in Tervahovi), 8–11.45 or 12.15–16.00 
  • Classroom F118 (on the 1st floor of Fabriikki), 8–11.45 or 12.15–16.00 

Note! You can only book one time slot for week 16 or 17. This allows us to provide facilities for as many students as possible.

Bookings are done via Webropol.

Bookings for the period 21.–23.4.
Bookings for the period 26.–30.4.

Further information on booking reading rooms is available from Seppo Evwaraye, tel.  029 449 8555,

The reading rooms accommodate a maximum of 10 students at a time. You get to come indoors to the university buildings only if you have booked a time slot in the reading rooms or EXAM room or are coming to copy or print. Students have the opportunity to copy in the Palomäki room and in the lobby of Fabriikki.

Please see the detailed instructions for users of reading rooms:

The entrance to the Palomäki room in Tervahovi is from the main entrance behind the marble gate. The entrance to the lobby of Fabriikki is from the door next to restaurant Erkki.

Please note that other facilities on campus are still closed. The restaurants are not open either.

Reservations for up to 10 computers at a time are accepted to the EXAM rooms. The library services of Tritonia are still restricted so that a maximum of 10 customers can be in the library at the same time. Please visit Tritonia's website for further information.

When visiting, studying or working indoors at the university, the use of a face mask and a safe distance of at least 2 metres is required. As a rule, a maximum of 10 people can be in one room at a time. We want to prevent the spread of the virus and to ensure the safety of both students and staff in all our activities.

Do you already have the Koronavilkku app?
With the Koronavilkku app of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), those who have been exposed to the virus can be reached faster and infection chains broken. Please download the Koronavilkku app.

Further information:
Coronavirus information for students
Finnish Government: Information and advice on the coronavirus

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

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