EUNICE Weeks event celebrates Europeanness

During the two-week event, it is possible to network, exchange ideas, learn about other cultures and make connections. The event will address important issues such as virtual and physical mobility of students and staff, awareness of European culture and the promotion of global skills.
The event will take place online.
EUNICE Week 11.-15.10.2021
Monday 11.10.2021
13.30-15.00 WEBINAR: Machine Learning: Algorithms that Write, Paint and Dream
Tuesday – 12.10.2021
13.30-15.00 WEBINAR: The European Union in your daily life
Wednesday – 13.10.2021
10.00-13.00 EUROPEAN MOBILITY FORUM: European Mobility forum for Students: Exploring the benefits of student and staff mobilities in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme and how EUNICE adds value to the already existing European mobility opportunities for students.
13.30-15.00 WEBINAR: The sufficiency perspective in sustainable development
Thursday – 14.10.2021
10.00-13.00 EUROPEAN MOBILITY FORUM: European Mobility forum for Administrative and Academic Staff: Practical information regarding physical and virtual mobility for admin staff and academics within the EUNICE Alliance.
13.30-15.00 WEBINAR: Scotland and Brexit
Friday – 15.10.2021
13.30-15.00 WEBINAR: EU responses to the covid-19 pandemic
EUNICE Week 18.-22.10.2021
Monday – 18.10.2021
9.45-14.00 WORKSHOP: Intercultural Training / Contamination Lab Pills / Start-Cup: Exchanges on entrepreneurship views (paralell sessions)
16.00-19.00 CONFERENCE + DEBATE: Digital Europe: Opportunities and Threats
21.00-00.00 CULTURAL PERFORMANCES: Poland in Music. Featuring Polish folk group Poligrodzianie, Poland
Tuesday – 19.10.2021
9.45-14.00 WORKSHOP: Companies' Presentations
16.00-19.00 CONFERENCE + DEBATE: Blockchain in Public Services. Consequences of Disruptive Technologies for Citizens, Work and the Economy
21.00-00.00 CULTURAL PERFORMANCES: Let the Music Speak. Featuring Camerata Coral Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Wednesday – 20.10.2021
9.45-43.00 WORKSHOP: Doctorate in EUNICE
16.00-19.00 CONFERENCE + DEBATE: Employability And Multilingualism
21.00-22.00 CULTURAL PERFORMANCES: Folk group Jepokryddona. Organised by The University of Vaasa, Finland. It is also possible to attend the event on site in the Levón hall. Registration for this will be updated shortly.
Thursday – 21.10.2021
9.45-14.00 WORKSHOP: Application Training
16.00-19.00 CONFERENCE + DEBATE: Opinions Which Partial Have the Effect of Vitiating the Rectitude of Judgment. Heuristics and Critic of Sources in Science
21.00-00.00 CULTURAL PERFORMANCES: The Sound of EUNICE. Featuring the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia, Belgium
Friday – 22.10.2021
9.45-14.00 WORKSHOP: The EUNICE International Internship Portal: Career Counseling
16.00-19.00 CONFERENCE + DEBATE: The Concept Of Hosting In South Europe. Myth, History, Art, Nature
21.00-00.00 CULTURAL PERFORMANCES: Vicenzo Bellini: Musical Impressions from his Compositions. Organised by the University of Catania, Italy
Students can register for conferences and workshops here, for other events you can use the EUNICE registration form. Staff, please register using the EUNICE form. If you would like to come to the Levón hall to listen to a musical performance, please register here.