ERIK2001 EU Energy Law and Policy (5 ECTS)

Laajuus 5 ECTS
Vastuuopettaja professor Kim Talus
Osaamistavoitteet Law and regulation of EU energy markets: regulation of electricity and natural gas markets. The student will be familiar with the basic features of EU energy market regulation. They will also understand the role of general EU law in energy markets.
Opintojakson toteutus Lectures (mandatory, 20 hours) and essay.
Opintojakson sisältö Issues to be covered: EU energy policy, legal basis for EU energy
regulation, application of Treaty law, electricity and gas regulation, renewable energy,
security of supply, external aspects of EU energy regulation.
Kirjallisuus oheiskirjallisuus: OGEL julkaisun artikkelit myöhemmin ilmoitettavin osin.
Arvosteluasteikko pass/fail.
Opetuskieli English
Muut tiedot Soveltuu kaikille vuosikursseille. Kurssilla mukana myös Vaasan korkeakoulukonsortion yhteistyökorkeakoulujen opiskelijoita.
Participation is offered free of charge for the students of the University of Vaasa.
Please see the timetable in Lukkari and register in Weboodi by 23 April.