Construction work for the academic library begins – The campus of the University of Vaasa will be renewed responsibly

– We are finally able to move our campus development project to the stage in which plans will come true with the first implementation phase. At the same time as the construction work commences, we are also returning to the campus. Safety is key in both. Safety is also a common thing for all of us on campus. The instructions and signs must be followed, says Harri Salmela, Director of Finance at the University of Vaasa.
An important part of campus development is to involve the users of the facilities in the planning. Information and feedback from staff and students are utilised extensively in campus plans. By working together, the campus becomes an attractive world-class meeting place that inspires all of its users.
The development project is implemented using an alliance model based on mutual agreement and close cooperation between the actors. The commissioner of the Vaasa Merikampus alliance is Vaasan Merikampus Oy, the property management company of the University of Vaasa. Other alliance parties include architectural firm K2S Oy, structural planning firm Ramboll Finland Oy, building services engineering firm Granlund Pohjanmaa Oy, and construction firm Peab Oy, which will carry out the construction work.
The cornerstones of campus design are responsibility, the flexibility of transformation, support for the community, and efficient use of premises. The university wants to create multi-purpose facilities that are suitable for the changing needs of the future.
We will keep you updated on the situation on the Campus Development website.
(Illustration: architectural firm K2S Oy)
Further information:
Rector Jari Kuusisto, tel. +358 29 449 8291,
Director of Finance Harri Salmela, tel. +358 29 449 8590,