Dissertation: Toward effective, decentralized basic medical teaching

- The health care organization needs competence management and management competence in order to remain competitive and profitable in the rapidly changing operating environment, Hautamäki explains the background of her study.
In government studies, the most important theoretical starting point is the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness. Customer satisfaction and the achievement of goals must be assessed to support management work.
The results highlight the conditions for effectiveness for arranging decentralized basic medical education within a health care organization.
- The aim of decentralized basic teaching is, among others, for graduated doctors to work extensively for the special area of responsibility of their own university hospital district, tells Hautamäki.
The questions of the study are: how is competence management reflected in decentralized basic medical education, what is effective decentralized teaching like for basic medical education and what are the criteria to assess it, and how does decentralized teaching work in practice for basic medical education.
In addition to the conditions for effective decentralized teaching, the results of the study also highlight operational strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and threats.
- Decentralized basic medical teaching increases the student’s basic professional security and the health care organization’s competence. Decentralized basic medical teaching increases patient safety within the organization. Therefore, teaching is, in the end, the best activity for the residents of the whole hospital district area, Hautamäki says.
The method of the study is a multiple constituency model consisting of theme interviews, a survey, and a collection of feedback. The theme interviews were analyzed by means of a qualitative content analysis, the survey results were analyzed with a SAS program, and feedback was reviewed by special sector on an annual level.
Behind the study is a quality assurance project for decentralized basic medical education. The project is financed by Duodecim and coordinated by the Medical Education Research and Development Center (TUTKE) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turku.
Public defence
The public examination of M.Sc. Satu Hautamäki’s doctoral dissertation “Kohti vaikuttavaa lääketieteen hajautettua perusopetusta. Monitahoarviointi osaamisen johtamisen välineeksi” is on Friday 21 November 2014 at 12 o’clock at auditorium Nissi (Tritonia). Professor Elina Viitanen from the University of Tampere will act as an opponent and professor Pirkko Vartiainen as a custos.