Dissertation on acquisition and strategic renewal

The Finnish entrepreneurship policy has been focusing on start-ups and business growth. At the European level entrepreneurship policy pays similar attention to business transfers and start-ups.
- However, dissertations focusing specifically on small business acquisitions and strategic renewal do not exist, Tall explains.
A growth and strategic renewal orientation according to Tall’s findings seem to be common within small business acquisitions. Once implemented, acquisitions of small businesses are commonly successful, but challenges may appear in every phase of the acquisition process.
- The motives, objectives, acquisition criteria and integration processes associated with these acquisitions seem to vary on a case by case basis, Tall says.
Tall develops a typology for the classification of acquisition according to strategic renewal. It allows acquirers of small businesses to systematically analyse strategic renewal when planning the acquisitions. Additionally, it is concluded that business transfers in parallel with start-ups and growth should be a key focus of entepreneurship policy.
The theory of the study is based on the resource-based view of the firm and previous acquisition literature. The methodology of the research involves multiple case studies, theme interviews and abductive content analysis. The resource-based view of the firm is a useful theory to explore small business strategic renewal.
Public examination
The public examination of Juha Tall’s doctoral dissertation ”Yrityskauppa ja strateginen uudistuminen” is on Friday 3 October at 13 o’clock at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Frami F, F110, Seinäjoki). The field of dissertation is management. Professor Timo Pihkala from the Lappeenranta University of Technology will act as an opponent and professor Jukka Vesalainen as a custos.