Apply to minor studies through FITech Network University

As a student of the University of Vaasa you can take studies from other technical universities in Finland and include them in your degree! You can study majority of the courses online and everything is free of charge.

In addition to technology studies, there’s also a transdisciplinary International Design Business Management (IDBM) minor study track, and introductory mass online courses in ICT. Application period for FITech track of the International Design Business Management minor studies is still open until Friday, Aug 21!
Read more about IDBM and apply for the studies on FITech IDBM site. For other courses, there’s more time to search for more information and apply study right on!
Minor module in Energy technology (online, in English) is organized again by our University. The first course of the module is Marine and power plant engines, 5 ECTS, starting 14.9. More information on Peppi – Register to home university’s courses in WebOodi.
FITech –for future tech talents
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