Digitalisation Academy - Hae ohjelmaan viimeistään 2.10.2019!

Ohjelma on englanniksi ja osa normaaleja opintojasi, voit saada ohjelmasta 15 opintopistettä (edellyttää keskustelua professorisi kanssa).
Tässä lisäohjeita (englanniksi):
If applicant is accepted for the Digitalisation Academy program, students will:
- learn from our partner companies about digitalisation in the energy industry
- learn teamwork (projects, challenges and exercises)
- get help with finding a topic for thesis work from one of our partner companies.
- get good contacts to our partner companies (opportunity to get a work after studies)
- participate both in events and hackathons during the year.
- meet students from other universities, to study together with in English
- get one year business license to UDEMY, with 3500 top rated online video courses, worth 275 euro.
- have access to classroom in Technobothnia, 3rd floor, room F4302.
Digitalisation Academy have experts from partner companies when we do different exercises, projects and challenges, related to energy industry.
We use Udemy online video courses for learning basics (teaching method is flipped classroom).
The academy program contains of:
1. Cyber security (5 ECTS)
2. Data science (5 ECTS)
3. Digitalisation (5 ECTS)
You find application form and more information on our internet page!
Application time ends 2nd of Oktober, so please APPLY NOW!
Partner companies are:
- Wärtsilä
- Danfoss
- Wapice
- Devatus
- Vaasan sähkö
- KWH Logistics
- Mirka