The University of Vaasa switches to distance learning and restricts operations on campus during ...

During 1 to 16 October, the following guidelines are valid:
- all teaching will be distance learning
- all study rooms are closed
- all events inside and outside on campus are forbidden
- EXAM-room is closed 6-16 October
- all campus restaurants are closed
- the library is open online and book borrowing / booking pick-up will be arranged as soon as possible, please follow the library's webpages for more information
- the health authorities strongly recommend to keep distance in all social contacts and pay special attention to following coronavirus instructions also during free time
To protect the community, it is important to follow the safety precautions also during free time. If you have respiratory symptoms, stay at home and contact health care. You are allowed to come to the campus only if you are healthy.
See also the Vaasa Hospital District´s corona bulletin, which contains important information e.g. of the location of coronavirus testing.
Where to find more information, help and support?
If you have been informed about a corona infection or exposure, the situation can be very difficult mentally. You may experience shame, guilt, or concern for your own health or possible exposure or infection of other people. If you feel that the situation is too difficult, we encourage you to contact study psychologist Ray Ohtonen (ray.ohtonen(at) You can also contact Finnish student health service (YTHS).
The Vaasa Student Union (VYY) also offers help, you can ask for help with this form.
If you are interested, take a look at this Face covid -text, which offers practical tips on how to respond to the corona crisis.
To prevent Covid-19 from spreading, follow these steps:
- Wash your hands regularly or use a hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Keep a distance of at least 2 meters (safety distance) from other people.
- Use other methods than a handshake to greet.
- Sneeze and cough into a handkerchief - throw the handkerchief in the trash immediately after this.
- If you do not have a handkerchief, cough into your elbow and keep your mouth covered.
- Use contactless or mobile payment.
- If your health allows, always use a face mask in situations where it is not possible to maintain safety distance.
- Do not come to campus if you are ill.
The University of Vaasa strongly recommends downloading the Koronavilkku app, produced by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).
We have opened a mail address for inquiries and questions concerning the coronavirus: Please note, that the mails are read and answered Mon-Fri 8 am to 4 pm.