The University of Vaasa drop-in thesis workshop service will expand from the beginning of 2020

In the drop-in workshop, we solve together with the University’s Psychologist and Tritonia’s Information Specialist students’ thesis-related problems, such as finding and evaluating sources, using the University’s new writing guidelines, overcoming writer’s blocks and efficient time management.

Students will also get peer support from other students in the workshop. Thesis topics or other supervisor-related questions will not be discussed in the workshop, but students are urged to contact their own supervisor in these matters.
The workshops will continue on 8.1.2020 on Wednesdays at 9:30-11 (Tritonia K325).
In addition, we will start Online thesis workshops on 14.1. on Tuesdays at 16-17. Join the Online workshops through Zoom: You can participate in the Online workshops from wherever you are. Just click the link and you’re in. The University’s Psychologist Ray Ohtonen and Tritonia’s Information Specialist Heidi Troberg will be there to help you.
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