University sports schedule spring 2020

Do get yourself familiar with the sports schedule found on our website. There you can find more detailed description of all offered sports, benefits and their schedules. In the future you will find all the classes in the real time online calendar as well.
The spring sports sticker is now available for purchase from the student union offices at Domus Bothnica. The cost of the sports sticker can be found on the university sports website.
Wednesday Workout is expanding
The Wednesday Workout held for the University of Vaasa students and staff on Wednesdays is changing. The class that is being held on Wednesdays from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm is changing to such that you now have 3 classes to choose from every week.
The change goes in effect from this week on. You can choose if you want to attend Bodystep45, Bodycare45 or FitnessPilates45 -class.