Tuition fees to be introduced for international Master's programmes of the University of Vaasa

Six international Master's programmes will commence in the University of Vaasa in autumn 2017. The fee for Master's programmes in technology Master’s Programme in Communications and Systems Engineering and Master’s Programme in Industrial Systems Analytics EUR 12,000, Master's programme in engineering management Master’s Programme in Industrial Management EUR 10,000, and Master's programmes in Economics and Business Administration Master's Degree Programme in Finance, Master's Degree Programme in International Business and Master's Programme in Strategic Business Development EUR 12,000.
– Our international Master's Programmes have been the most popular in Finland in terms of number of applicants. Keeping the number of applicants at a high level is a big challenge, but we have confidence in the quality of our programmes, says Francesca Cucinotta, Vice-Director of Education Services.
The University of Vaasa has 613 students attending its international Master's programmes, of whom 39 percent come from outside the EU/EEA area. Exchange students and doctoral students are not subject to these fees.
The level of the tuition fees for international Master's programmes will be reviewed annually. At this stage, the money raised from the fees will be used to promote university-level internationalisation.
The Finnish Parliament decided to impose tuition fees at the end of last year. At the time the government outlined a minimum fee of 1,500 euros, giving institutions discretion to set the upper limit for the payment.
Finnish legislation however requires institutions to provide a scholarship scheme for students completing paid programmes. This can be implemented by giving tuition fee favors and scholarships. Preparations for a scholarship scheme are in hand at the University of Vaasa.
Further information:
Francesca Cucinotta, Vice-Director, Education Services, tel. +358 29 449 8137
Jari Kuusisto, Acting Rector, tel. +358 29 449 8291