User survey
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Registration for all courses and exams is done in WebOodi.
More information about course registration.
The Lukkarikone is a service that displays published teaching timetables. Students can compile their own study timetable in the Lukkarikone. Not signed-in users are only able to view the teaching timetables. In order to create and modify your own timetables, you need to be signed-in to the Lukkarikone. Course and exam registration is done in WebOodi as usual.
Lukkarikone instructions for students
More information about Lukkarikone:
The Study Guide is shared by all Schools of the University, and includes separate sections for communication and language studies, minor subjects and modules, Open University studies, doctoral studies and studies for exchange students. Up-to-date course descriptions can be found in the Study Guide instead of WebOodi. Please note that there may be changes to the fall 2020 teaching arrangements.
Study Guide:
Study Guide instructions for students
More information about the Study Guide: