Peppi info for students

The planned opening of the Student’s Desktop is on Monday 15th November. For any courses completed during the system downtime, the aim is to record the grades into the Peppi system by 1st December.
Oodi was switched to read-only mode on 22nd October. This means that you can currently still e.g. view the details of your completed courses, as well as course registrations on WebOodi.
The data is currently being migrated from Oodi into Peppi, and in the next couple of weeks the data will be checked and edited. Preparations are also being made for opening the Peppi Student’s Desktop.
The planned opening of the Student’s Desktop is on Monday 15th November. For any courses completed during the system downtime, the aim is to record the grades into the Peppi system by 1st December.
Online Peppi support sessions for students will be organised on Zoom on a drop-in basis, commencing in the week when the Student’s Desktop opens. During these online Peppi support sessions, the Peppi system admin users will demonstrate the functionalities of the Student’s Desktop and there will also be time for questions and discussion.
Timetable for the English-language Peppi support sessions on Zoom:
- Friday 19th and Friday 26th November, at 10-11am
- Zoom link:
password 157120
To contact Peppi administrators, email
Once Peppi has been brought into service, there are a few important things to note:
In the Peppi system, your completed studies are associated with specific study rights. If you have, for example, a Bachelor’s degree study right and a Master’s degree study right, or two Master’s degree study rights, you will find particular courses under the study right that they are associated with, rather than all in one place as in the Oodi system. There is a menu option in Peppi for switching between viewing the details of your different study rights.
In Peppi, every student has a Personal Study Plan (PSP). Any studies you completed while the Oodi system was in use may not always slot into the Peppi PSP template automatically. Therefore, the study counsellors will go through the PSPs to reorganise them, sometimes together with the students concerned. If, when you view your PSP in Peppi, it looks like some of the courses you have completed are in the wrong place and need to be moved under a different unit of studies, don’t worry: the review and reorganising of the PSPs will be carried out from December/January. Your study counsellor will offer guidance in using the PSP.
In Peppi, you register for a course (= an implementation of a course) through your PSP.
We will go over these points in the online Peppi support sessions. There will also be instructions for students on how to use Peppi; these will be published on the site.
We will let you know as soon as you can access Peppi!
The Peppi Deployment Project