Contemplated citizen debate at the security café

According to adjunct professor, university lecturer Harri Raisio of University of Vaasa, who is leading the research project, the participants at the security café get to listen to and ask questions from experts in different fields.
The discussion at the café will be introduced by Elina Katajamäki, Head of Communications at the Lapland Police Department, Kimmo Lehto, Head of Development at the Finnish Immigration Service, Major Mika Metsi working at the Jaeger Brigade (Jääkäriprikaati) and as the representative of the Finnish Red Cross, Tom Tallberg who worked as the director of the Tornio registration centre. The discussions are held in good spirit around coffee tables in small groups led by a trained group leader.
The security café is not all talk. The aim is to gather evaluations from the residents of Tornio of the establishment of the registration centre and suggestions for the development of its operation for possible future situations. Based on the discussions, we will put together a joint statement from the participants and ask authorities and decision-makers to comment on it.
The contemplated citizen debate in Tornio is organised by the University of Vaasa, the Finnish Immigration Service, the National Defence University and the University of Tampere.
The discussion at the security café is aimed at over 16-year-old residents of Tornio. We hope that residents of different ages, from different backgrounds and with different views will participate. The security café can accommodate 30 participants who will be chosen from the registered persons so that the participants will form as diverse a group as possible. The registration to the security café ends on Wednesday 18 May.
You can find more information about the security café and instructions for registration on the following web page: Turvallisuuskahvila
Further information:
University of Vaasa
Adjunct Professor Harri Raisio, tel. 029 449 8405,
Finnish Immigration Service
Head of Development Kimmo Lehto, tel. 029 5430 431,
National Defence University
Military Professor Mika Hyytiäinen, tel. 029 9530 555,