Changes in Tritonia’s loans procedures and new features in Finna

Uutisen oletuskuva
During summer, Tritonia has adopted the open source library system Koha, as the thirteenth academic library in Finland. The user interface for the new library system will also in future be Tritonia Finna, and customers will benefit from new features in Finna and changes in library loans procedures.

Changes in loans procedures

Personal reservation ID

Reservations are to be picked up from the open shelf by using a personal reservation ID. You can find your reservation ID in Your Account in Finna and in the notice of arrival.

Overnight loans changed to short loans

Overnight loans have changed to short loans, and the loans procedures have been simplified. Short loans can be borrowed at any time during the day and they are to be returned on the following weekday before the library closes (books borrowed on Friday and Saturday are to be returned on Monday). The overdue fee for short loans is 12 €/loan.

New features in Tritonia Finna

You can now manage your own borrowing history in Finna, through My Account. You can also change your address and reset your PIN code directly in Finna.

Additional information

Head of Services Jonna Toukonen

Information Specialist Christian Nelson

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