Updated 1.4.2023 | 16:33

Seminar: Industrial use cases of 5G

Tue 18.4.2023 | 12:00 - 15:20

Palosaari campus, Vaasa & online (Zoom)
65200 Vaasa

When: Tuesday 18 April 2023, 12:00 – 15:20 (GMT +3)
Where: Online via Zoom or in-person at Palosaari Campus in Vaasa (lecture hall will be announced later)  - Register for the Zoom link

Register for the event at the following link: Registration form

Come listen as a panel of experts go into detail about the industrial use cases of the forthcoming 5G technologies and infrastructure.

The event is organized by the 5G Hub Vaasa project partners: Vaasan yliopisto, Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu and Novia university.

See the updated programme:


Time Topic Speaker
12:00 12:10 Opening of the seminar  
12:10 12:40 5G and beyond Nokia, 6G flagship theme leader Olli Liinamaa
12:40 13:00 5G Private networks Ezcom, CTO Kari Lehtinen
13:00 13:20 Open source is enabling innovation in 5G and beyond OpenAirInterface Software Alliance, Director of operations Irfan Ghauri
13:20 13:40 Private 5G infrastructure Firecell
13:40 14:00 4G/5G from the lab to the field Amarisoft, Vice President Marouan Benabdellah-Chaouni
14:00 14:20 Coffee break  
14:20 14:40 Non-terrestrial 5G  
14:40 15:10 Use cases from the industry:
Electrical power grids, IoT, Autonomous vehicles and robots, Land survey, Indoor navigation
Industrial speakers
15:10 15:30 5G HUB Vaasa laboratory and services 5G HUB Vaasa team
15:30     Closing of the seminar  
      5G laboratory visit & buffet