Updated 23.3.2021 | 15:05

Day of Well-being

Wed 24.3.2021 | 08:45 - 14:30


The Day of Well-Being is here again! The Day of Well-Being is an event organized by the University of Vaasa and the Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY). This year the Day of Well-Being is on the 24th of March and the theme is mental health and managing academic or work-related stress.

All activities on the Day of Well-Being will take place online and you can participate in them remotely.

There will be wellness-related activities during the day. The day’s program includes short lectures on stress management as well as short break exercise sessions to give you a nice rhythm to your day!

Schedule for the Day of Well-Being

  • 8.45-9.15 Stressinhallinnan quick-fix -luento (in Finnish)
  • 9.30-10.00 Stress relief quick-fix -lecture (in English)
    Stress relief quick-fix" is a minilecture with main focus on practical tips and exercises on how to handle stress. Trainer Anne Salovaara-Kero works as Executive Director and crisis worker at MIELI mental health Ostrobotnia. Anne has a long  background of working with people in difficult situations. She has her main studies in pedagogics, and further studies in psychology, psychiatry and crisis work.
    Participation link: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/67357552942?pwd=SjErazFXeEpTdTAwS0VySTlRb0RxZz09
    Password: 139308
  • 13.00-14.00 Mistä saan voimaa opiskeluarkeen? -Webinar by Nyyti (in Finnish). The webinar is organized with the donation made by the school of management.
    Participation link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89681974046

Remote break exercises

  • 10.00 Break exercise to tackle bad sitting ergonomics
  • 11.15 JFull body break exercise
  • 14.00 Break exercise for winding down

Links to programs and break exercises are updated to the Facebook event Hyvinvointipäivä / Day of Well-being 2021 during the week of the event.

This year the FSHS Day will become an entire FSHS Week! It will start 22nd of March.