Updated 24.8.2021 | 18:03

Dynamic Entrepreneurship in Latin America: New Insights and Implications from a Systemic Perspective

Wed 18.6.2014 | 10:00 - Mon 23.6.2014 | 16:00

Juan S. Federico from the Entrepreneurship Development Program (National University of General Sarmiento, Argentina) is visiting Vaasa Management Institute and the Department of Management 18.6.-23.6. 2014. Juan has authored several articles and books about dynamic new ventures in Latin-American, young firms and entrepreneurship policies (see e.g. http://www.iadb.org/en/research-and-data/researcher,3159.html?au_id=1481) . In addition, he has worked as a consultant for international organizations such as Inter-American Development bank in research projects on these topics.

Juan Federico will hold a seminar on entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurship policy in Latin America. The seminar is intended for Researchers and PhD students, but anyone interested in the topic (e.g., policy makers and/or staff from institutions supporting entrepreneurship) is welcome to attend.

The event will be organized on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 starting at 10 am (lasting until about 12.30 pm). The seminar will be held at the University of Vaasa, in the Tervahovi building (room: TER/D103).

A tentative outline for the event is as follows:

1) Latin America: A land of opportunities?

Facts and figures about an emerging region. Recent trends in the regional economy: Highlights and challenges. Latin America is much more than just Brazil.

2) Dynamic Entrepreneurship from a Systemic Perspective

The relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: empirical inconsistencies and new questions. Dynamic new ventures as a distinctive kind of firms, moving beyond gazelles and narrow definitions. The Systemic Perspective of Venture Creation: a framework for research and interventions. Discussion of previous research about entrepreneurship in Latin America.

3) The Index of Systemic Conditions for Dynamic Entrepreneurship

A new analytical tool to measure systemic conditions for the emergence of dynamic new ventures at the international level. Presentation of the first results for Latin America and at the international level. Main strengths and weaknesses of Latin America.

4) Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Policies in Latin America

Recent trends in Entrepreneurship policies in Latin America. From SMEs promotion to dynamic new ventures. The emergence of new institutions and policies. National Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Latin America: Advances and challenges.


Feel free to distribute the e-mail further to other possibly interested people.  Seminar is free of charge.