Updated 23.11.2023 | 10:11

Dissertation: Jagdesh Kumar (Electrical Engineering)

Fri 8.12.2023 | 12:00 - 15:00

University of Vaasa, Fabriikki F652 and online (Zoom)

The public examination of M.Sc. Jagdesh Kumar’s doctoral dissertation “Design and control of harbour area smart grids with application of battery energy storage system” will be held on Friday 8.12.2023 at noon at the University of Vaasa, lecture hall F652 (Fabriikki building)

It is possible to participate in the defence also online: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/68665871390?pwd=eGdGWkNtNHdPZEJSOHNVKzh4Q0lCUT09, password: 831492
Professor Mehdi Zadeh (NTNU) will act as an opponent and Professor Kimmo Kauhaniemi as a custos.

The public display “nailing” will be held on Tuesday 28 November by administration. On that day, the dissertation will be available online in Osuva publications archive.